Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Brave Fish

Last night I dreamed about a fish
 swimming in the vast blue sea,
that is their home, their whole life,
their whole universe is about the ocean,
nothing more, nothing above, nothing beyond;

One day a brave fish managed to take leap jump,
he saw the land, animals and people…
he saw another world beyond the ocean!
with great excitement 
he tried to explain to other fish,
no one believed him,
this brave fish became a laughingstock,
of being foolish and mad…

I woke up wondering:
Are we just like fish…
have lived our life small like the fish,
and have repeated in aeons of time,
without awareness of anything beyond …?!

What is the truth of life?
Is life simple an illusion?
Are we capable of going beyond 
our three dimensional world
with the limitation of
 our three dimensional mind?
I guess unless each of us 
also take a greater leap jump 
just like that brave fish in my dream
and see for our own eyes,

truth will remain unknown

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