Sunday, March 24, 2013

Heaven, Earth & Man

Man is exploiting the earth for temporary gains…
Never before in human history-
has man been so capable of ravaging the earth,
so capable of altering the nature balance…
While man has his illusion of the fast developments in his modern times;
While man has his illusion of having the nature conquered;
the beautiful lake around his house is getting dirtier and stinker;
the fish from the lake served on the dinner table is making him and his family sick;
his children are drinking ‘fresh’ water and breathing the ‘clean’ air;
and his home and his cows are at risk of being flooded away caused by his own selfish doings;
Often I wonder:
What is the cost of our modern way of living?!
 What’s the price shall our children pay?
What’s the price shall their children and their chilren's children pay?...

Man is trapped in his own perception of reality-
dwelling in the existence of his physical and sensual senses,
desperately trying to preserve his face and his body younger,
desperately trying to hold on to his petty life a little longer…
Man was created LARGE but most have lived SMALL!
 underneath his fashionable package,
 lies a trembling fearful being-
his heart is cold like deadfish without warmth;
his spirit is dull like ashes without spark;
Often I wonder:
When will we come to understand -
 A healthy spirit, a positive mind 
are the prerequisite to a healthy physical body,
but another way around?!

Man is desperately looking for happiness,
dreaming about something or someone else to rescue him out of his miseries;
 he mistakes temporary sensual pleasures and excitements as happiness,
 he gets confused by the overwhelming bitter taste
and the emptier shallow feeling risen in his heart afterwards;
he ventures outwards for higher stimulations instead of self reflection,
restlessly chasing  his so called happiness in vain.
Often I wonder:
How can we get out of this vicious cycle created by our own minds?
When will we be able to wake up remembering our divine nature?
When will we be able to reconnect to our noble spirit?...
Real joy and inner peace will never  return to us
if we don’t allow ourselves
‘Simply being ’ instead of  ‘Trying to be( someone else)’-
because life itself always favors originality though society favors more edited copies
(for better control or for better use... ?).

Man is exploiting each other and being exploited by each other,
for money, for power, for all kinds of selfishness…
thus man’s souls have been wounded by each other,
 by all kinds of stupid ideologies created by man himself.
Man has deep wounds suppressed in his deep consciousness,
breeding vengeance, hatred and other negative emotions,
ready to surf up to express in pain and destruction once in power…
Just as a wounded man can bring out negativity in others,
can cause pain and sufferings in others consciously or unconsciously;
So is a totally healed man can be the light and the inspiration to heal others!

Love heals.
Only the healed heart knows real love and grace;
only the healed heart can relate to all the other living beings,
no matter how small how insignificant they are;
Otherwise we will pass on our wounds to our children, them to their children,
just like viruses spreading among the families, among the friends,
further to our neighborhoods, to our country, to our world…
Atlantis the lost empire is not merely a legendary tale,

it is a solemn warning of man’s path of corruption and self destruction!