Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Once I believed...

Once I believed-
My school teachers knew everything;
Everything written in the books was unquestionable;
But it turned out-
My teachers did not know everything;
even the most unquestionable history events
could be written in many different ways;
Much is depended where we are standing
and where we are looking at.

Once I believed-
My parents knew what was the best for me;
I followed their leads without doubts.
But it turned out -
they had no clue what was the best for me,
what they knew were their own unfinished dreams!
Sometimes we can’t realize our dreams,
simply because we are living in others’ dream
instead of our own!

Once I believed-
the more knowledge one has acquired;
the more intelligent one can become;
But it turned out -
those so called knowledgeable people I had admired
who could use eloquent words to argue from politics to economy,
from the religion to the black hole in the universe…
they seemed to know about everything
yet they knew nothing about themselves!
Real intelligence has nothing to do with -
how much knowledge one has accumulated in one’s brain
but how much one has known about one’s self!

Once I believed in the Cinderella story –
when we find our prince/ princess,
we will live happily ever after…
But it turned out-
there is no such a thing as ‘live happily ever after’;
most of our disappointments even come from
our exhaustively trying to live up to the fairy tale…
If everything else has its natural course of changing and renewing,
why would you and me stay unchanged?!
why would our relationship remain the same?!
Either because,
we both have not grown ever after those years;
we both remain in the same spot as we were;
Or because,
our relationship has transformed into some other sort of bond…
But, if our love has transformed to something else,
IS it the same love?!

Once I believed-
Religion was just some kind of superstition and unscientific;
Then I came to believe-
Religion can play irreplaceable role in unifying
our physical existence with our mind/spirit aspect 
(if it is not misused).
I have heard debates from the both sides,
and I have been in both sides myself.
In the end it turned out, at least for me-
there is really pointless to dwell on the differences,
what was wrong yesterday could be right today;
what was untrue for you could be so true for me…
Everything has its own timing-
timing can mean different from one person to another;
when the time is right;
when the soil is right;
the seed within each of us will be sprouting;
Just little more patience for each other;
Just little more acceptance for each other;
we will be able to make difference in other's lives 
and our own!