Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter Essays


When you have been staying on the path long enough,
You might find out one day -
there is no such a thing as one defined righteous path.
Indeed, there are many roads leading to Rome!

When you have been keeping your mind open long enough,
You might reach a point one day-
the others’ ‘God’ is no different from yours,
even though you may call in different names!

When you have walked through as many valleys as mountains,
You might have built up enough faith in believing-
the truth has been always here and always available.
Those highly evolved beings who understand the truth-
thus have little interest in creating any more dogmas,
but merely keeping serve us as a reminder-
for what we have forgotten!


Life is like climbing a mountain.
Just like everyone else,
I have been very busying with climbing;
busying with getting ahead of everyone...
I managed to leave many behind and reached the top,
but it was not what I thought -
there are already others on the top!
and there is another mountain higher than the one I just have conquered!
I had thought,
I would have my total satisfaction once my goal was reached,
but instead I was gripped by some kind of lost feeling...
I came to realize-
the stupidity of chasing those kinds of non-stop ego dreams;
I came to realize how much I have missed-
I have missed the seasons along my way;
I have missed the flowers’ dance along my way;
I have missed the birds whispering along my way;
I have missed the sweet smiles along my way...
Most of all,
I have missed that unsung song in my own heart!


You came 
asking me for help:
‘Please help me! Please heal me!
I feel so unhappy with my life and I am so fed up with everyone!’
But from what I have seen and what I have heard,
I am in doubt- 
that you either want to be helped or to be healed,
All you could think about were others’ wrongdoings;
All you could talk about was your pain and misery!
You were keeping attending to your negativities for so long-
so they have become part of your blood and flesh;
You were keeping feeding your energy to your pains for so long-
so they have become part of your identity!
I can't help you-
unless you really want to be helped or to be healed yourself;
and, I can't help you more than you can help yourself either!
So please help yourself trying to believe -
that you DO always have the choice regardless how it may seem otherwise;
So please help yourself trying to take in those words-
‘Physical pain is just natural phenomenon while suffering is your own choice’!