Monday, October 31, 2016

To Meet with the World of Man

To meet with the world of man
It seems necessary to grow the thorns;
It seems smart to hide tears and vulnerability;
Because, in this world of man –
there are not only 'lambs' but also 'wolves'…
But, I am afraid -
at the day I am about to meet with God myself;
while I am going to surrender all my armors;
Will I have forgotten how to be thorn-less by then?
Will I have forgotten how to be soft and tender?

To meet with the world of man,
It seems necessary to learn the mechanism of this world;
It seems necessary to understand the power of money on men;
After all, this is what man of this world-
has been always worshipping and striving for…
But, I am afraid -
at the day I am about to meet with God myself;
when I have to let go of all my life savings and accumulations;
Will I still be able to feel as rich as the king of the world
even without a penny?

To meet with the world of man,
It seems necessary to understand the complexity of man-
On one side man thinks his intelligence fits to be the master of all the sentient beings;
On another side man can’t even understand nor control his own mind;
Just look around this world of man-
the confused minds are often found the root causes of 
all the makings of the chaos and sufferings…
Thus, I am afraid-
at the day when I am about to meet with God myself,
Will I have understood the very nature of the mind myself by then?
Will I have stopped being a slave of my own mind by then?

To meet with the world of man,
It seems necessary to learn languages, cultures and etiquette,
in order to understand each other;
It seems necessary to invent rules and regulations
in order to keep the orders of the societies;
But, How can man of this world-
really understand each other without even understanding himself?!
How can he NOT get struck in the forms and delusional world created by himself?!
Thus, I am afraid-
at the day I am about to meet with God myself;
when I am witnessing my mind and my withered body falling apart;
when I am witnessing my identity, my knowledge, my love
and all my life achievements dissolving into nothingness;
when there is nothing to hold onto anymore;
Will I be able to feel the joy of returning instead of the sadness of separation?
Will I be able to feel freed and peaceful from the dissolution of my physical prison?   

To meet with the world of man,
It seems difficult not to be mesmerized by all the sensual pleasures filled in our life;
It seems impossible to be indifferent to all the material temptations from all the directions;
Most men get caught up in it falling further and further into unconscious state of living;
A few with awareness are struggling bravely to keep their heads above ;
Fewer have managed to escape and into self-realization and enlightenment…
Because often, man of the world-
forgets that he is both physical being and spiritual being;
and he forgets that his real happiness lies in between
balancing his physical needs but also his spiritual needs...
Thus, I am afraid-
at the day when I am about to meet with God myself,
Will I be able to make myself proud -
While I were enjoying and struggling throughout my physical existence,
my spirit, my soul has NOT been compromised?!