Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Some are fleeing desperately from their country and fearing for their safety and their future,
while the others are lying on the comfortable bed concerning about their cold;
Some children are playing barefeet among the fields of blood and the ruins;
while the other children are busy with their 'killing enemy' games demanding for newest Iphone;
Many living on the earth don't even have the access to the fresh air nor the clean water;
while on the other hand we seem to have enough money for the project of man settlement on Mars;
One part of the world is suffering from the scarcity of the food;
while another part of the world is dealing with large food waste on daily basis...
Oh, what a strange world I am living in!

We humans can tell quite a bit about the universe and even the Higgs particle,
yet we are overlooking the mystery of our own existence ;
We humans can tell much about the elections and world economies,
yet we know so little about ourselves and our own centers; 
We humans can tell great deal about the social etiquettes and the holy scripts,
yet we can't stop judging and condemning ourselves;
We humans claim that we love peace and beauty,
yet we are keeping slaughtering animals and destroying the earth; 
We humans regard our intelligence so highly that we can love,
yet we are controlling and hurting each other in the name of love...
Oh, how hypocritical we humans are!

Just as the creations of our known material world is-
the projections of human’s intelligence and creativity;
And so is the restlessness in the world merely projection 
of the restlessness residing within us;
And so is the evil shadowing in the world merely projection
of the darkness residing within us;
And so is the sufferings prevailing in the world merely projection
of the pain we are enduring within us…
Oh, how come we are so blessed yet so cursed!

As we are tempting to end our sufferings
through the sensual indulgences or any other forms of self gratifications,
but the suffering doesn't go away that way, 
even it seemed so temporarily,
instead, more sufferings are being created;
As we are tempting to correct other’s wrongdoings,
but often the wrongdoing has not been corrected that way,
instead,  more wrongdoings are being created;
As if we are arguing about what an elephant is like 
by each touching different parts of the elephant for conclusions,
yet we have forgotten that we all are blind... 
As the Chinese ancient sage Laotzu says:
‘…sometimes doing less is doing more;
When everyone stops doing more,
nothing will be left undone...’

Knowing in my heart- as a seeker
that I should constantly guard my thoughts and my actions,
yet I keep falling back into the old patterns of mine unconsciously ;
Knowing in my heart- as a seeker
that I am more of a spiritual being than a material being,
yet my faith keeps waving between
the convenience of the reality and the inconvenience of the truth;
Knowing in my heart- as a seeker
that everything in this world is changeable and impermanent,
yet I can't let go of my egos and my attachments;
I keep wandering in this world between the sanity and the insanity;
I keep tumbling between the light and the darkness;
Sorrow and frustrations keep returning upon me like shadows......
Oh, how silly I am!

Watching my own silliness,
Knowing crystal clearly in my heart- as a seeker
there is no way out but to head on facing my own demons!

Come on, my demons!
You (feverish desires), are burning inside me like wild fire,
but I am tired of running away from you-
this time I am going to stay witnessing you vanishing;
You (turbulent emotions), are rising and bursting like fierce volcano,
but I am tired of running away from you-
this time I am going to stay witnessing you fading away;
You ( restless thoughts), are coming like unwanted jumpy monkeys  ,
but I am tired of running away from you-
this time I am going to stay witnessing you disappearing trace-less…

Because, I believe in the end-
everything will gradually fall into its peace;
everything will arrive at a single point of stillness-
at the point of the very stillness housing my pure consciousness!
In that house of stillness,
I have been seeking my refugees time after time;
In that house of stillness,
it lies the inexhaustible healing power for every human being!
As each drop is the making of the vast sea;
So is each individual the making of the totality of humanity;
Thus, each of the healed bears the tremendous power of healing-
to heal the others and to serve the humanity truly!
It can never be done in another way around!

May all the wounded hearts be healed
May all the lost souls be healed
May the suffering humanity be healed

May the weary mother Earth be healed

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