Thursday, March 30, 2017


As we think, we are;
As we think, we become;
As our mind moves, our outer world manifests;
As our mind stills, our inner world expands.

When we are looking at a butterfly-
are we really looking at the butterfly
or merely at the thought of a butterfly?

When we are doing what we are doing–
are we enjoying what we are doing
or merely because we are expected by the others so?

When we are judging at someone being-
Christian, Buddhist , Jew or Muslim;
black, white or yellow;
left, right or feminist...
is the judgement coming really out of ourselves
or is it merely the collective judgement mimics
because we are merely the products of our social environments ?

When we are angry with our children or partner-
is the anger coming from the real place
or it is merely the auto play of the old patterns programmed
by our own parents earlier? ……

Thus, be aware of the traits of the mind!

Yet, as drugs can either cure us or kill us;
Yet, as money can either be used for good or for bad causes;
So can human mind shift between the heaven and the hell 
just in a split second!

As it is said in Bhagavad-Gita6.6 
'For the one who has conquered the mind,
the mind is the best friend of his;
For the one who has failed to do so,
His very mind will be his greatest enemy.’
As the mastery of one’s mind is being progressed,
the cravings in the mind will be gradually lessened or emptied;
the ego-based or fear-based mind will be gradually conquered or totally dropped;
But sadly in this world man-
the businessmen don’t like the mind without cravings- less business;
the powerful men don’t like the mind without fear- less controlling;
Thus, the idea of mastering one’s own mind seems a bad idea to many!
Thus, those who have actually conquered their minds -
have always been unappreciated or misunderstood during their time:
their looks were judged being too ordinary or un-Godlike;
their behavior was criticized being unsophisticated and unrefined;
and their words of truth were too un-smooth to the ears,
too hurtful to those small minds and the big egos!

So those awaken and the wanting-to-be-awakened ones,
Please choose to follow the ones only-
who have dropped all their social masks and have come through the Maya illusions;
Please choose to follow the ones only-
who have mastered their own minds and live by their true nature;
Please choose to follow the ones only-
who can wake you up from your sound sleep and your unconscious existence;
Please choose to follow the ones only-
who have shown you the way yet shy away from any credit from you…
Otherwise it is better to go your own way!
(Instead of falling into another man’s ego traps in the name of whatsoever!)

As the whole world can be reflected in a grain of sand,
So can the highest truth be hidden in the most ordinary things
if we don’t let our mind get in the way!

Here, I recall a little story in Zen Buddhism:
Once an enlightened master was asked about –
what he was going to do after his enlightenment.
He answered:
‘Before the enlightenment,
I chop the wood,
I carry the water;
After the enlightenment,
I chop the wood,
I carry the water…’
His answer has never ceased to bring the smile upon me…