Monday, June 26, 2017

Love Energy


               Last week after an interpretation job in Halmstad, I drove my way back to Gothenburg. When I reached the outskirt of the city was rush hour time. The traffic flow was getting especially slower before the Tingstadtunnel as usual, I hoped that it could pick up some speed after the tunnel as it would normally, but not this time, instead it came almost to a complete stop. I had to brake because the big truck in front of me stopped and then maneuvered strangely to the side as if trying to avoid something, even the cars from the other lanes were behaving strangely… The first thought came to me was some accident just happened so I rolled my car slowly and carefully forward, but what I saw next was totally unexpected- In the middle of the road there were an army of ducks trying to cross the motorway! It looked like the mummy duck was leading the way, and the little ones were following tightly behind their mum, completely unaware of this suicidal crossing with the jungle of the running cars! … I looked at those cute yellowish ducks and gasped: This motorway has 3 lanes on each side, it seemed those ducks somehow had managed to cross the lanes of dense traffic without being smashed! People or stopped or slowed down or carefully have their cars maneuvered around the ducks, or waited patiently for them passing…  Something warm was streaming through my heart: It may seem to be of little significance to have those small duck lives helped , but to me, the act of the kindness, no matter how small it is, it has always its significance! Just because of the small kindness like this, it makes human’s life more worth of living...
            Until today the eastern concept of Chi(energy) remains mysterious to many western minds, and the energy work remains unfamiliar to many, except for a few energy scientists; quantum physicians; martial artist or a few Qigong practitioners, meditators who have gained some degrees of understanding of this mysterious yet most common thing in our life- energy (Chi). As Albert Einstein says: ‘ Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.’ I have no intention to argue if energy is matter of philosophy or physics. It is not important. The importance is that everything in the universe is indeed energy and vibrations, though each with different energy composition and vibration frequency - from a flower to a rock; from an animal to a human being; from a pictures to a music; from a word to a thought… Yet as always, its love energy has the highest vibration while the energy of hatred or fear has the lowest!

          As you might have known, there is a famous rice experiment conducted by Dr. Masaru Emoto. He divided the cooked rice into 2 different jars and labeled respectively with ‘I love you’ and another with ‘I hate you’. 30 days later, the jar labelled with ‘ I love you’ was barely changed while the one labelled with ‘ I hate you’ became moldy and rotten! 

          Thus, LOVE is a universal language, it can be understood even without words: you can understand it in the eyes of a mother looking at her baby; you can understand it at the touches between the lovers; you can understand it through the gestures of kindness… Even you may not have any grasp of the energy concept, you can still understand the love and feelings derived from different energy bodies: For example, when you are with a certain person, you kinda feel like your energy being drained and left you feel heavy and fatigue; while there is another person you have experienced- whenever she he enters the room, your spirit and the others in the room get uplifted, as if there is something special about her/him that draws people like magnet without even knowing , and you have always felt comforted and happier in and after her/his presence …

          There are subtle energy exchanges happening constantly, though we have too little knowledge or too little awareness about it, yet it has greater-than-we think influences on our lives on many conscious and unconscious levels. With this kind of flowing energy interactions, we are being constantly influenced and influencing the other energy bodies around us... there is not a single energy entity can exist by itself, all the energies are here for playing, like an eternal dance waltzing in and waltzing out, with no beginning nor ending…

          If we humans can response to energies in such a way; if the rice can response to love in such a way; there is not hard to understand that all the things in the natural worlds can response in such a way, including the vegetation and animals. If we take a look at the food on our table: Before the vegetables are served, they have absorbed the energies from the sun, the earth, the rain, the various elements in the nature, but they have also absorbed the energies from the humans who have grown them… and so it is with animals. If an animal has been treated badly and been slaughtered brutally, there must be some tremendous negative energy resided in their flesh, and when they become food and their energies will be transformed into our human bodies… Though today there are not much concrete scientific proofs saying how energy is transformed from one entity to another and how energy health is linked to human’ health physically, mentally and even spiritually. I believe it will be much known in the future generations. Since energy can never die but be transformed, so everything goes around comes around!

           Once I was told about the myth of God-creation, how Adam and Eve were tempted by a serpent and ate the forbidden fruit, then they were banished from the Garden of Eden… At the time I thought it was ridiculous that the grownups are trying to fool each other with a story meant for a five-year-old- ...until a bit later when I rediscovered their hidden meanings by interpreting them as metaphorical form instead of the tangible fact-based form, then all the myth tales started to become more fascinating to me… in this case, I would prefer to interpret this myth as - Once we all came from the pure and the perfected energy- only knowing love and goodness...until we have experienced all kinds of ‘serpent’s temptations’during our physical incarnations- so we have learned about the physical sensual pleasures and indulgences; so we have learnt about the evils and sufferings; so we have learnt about egos and separations... without the guidance of our higher self, without knowing our true spirit, our energy started to flow downwards, gravitating toward the root chakra center which majorly focus on physical survival and existence(what a tremendous waste of the other energy centers embodied in human beings?!); and all the negative emotional energies we have inherited or developed during our lifetimes will consequently cause our vibrations falling lower and lower… If it is said that we humans can’t return to the ‘ Garden of Eden’, it is not because there are the ruthless Gods guarding the gate and keeping human beings out, but because our own energy level and our vibrations are no longer compatible with the God energy and the highest vibration of love!

          Just like it is important to improve our physical health by cutting down the junkie food, so it is with the heath of our energy body - by cutting down the energy junkies, both outside and inside us; by guarding what we say, what we do and how we think etc.; by letting the negativeness through us without judging or condemning… And it will surely get easier and more natural, once this conscious effort being accepted by our subconscious.

            I remember at first when I made my conscious decision to be a vegetarian, the initial idea was more of that I felt sorry for the animals... but after many years of not consuming meat products, to my own surprise that my physical health has improved incredibly ( If I would look at the past 10 years, I can hardly recall when was my last time with even a bad cold… which it is incredible in itself because I had been always sick throughout my entire childhood!) It may be left for further discussions if this is credited only to the change of my diet or not, but I have been more aware of and more sensitive towards the fluctuations of my own energy - like certain food ( especially the meat products)are simply no longer compatible with my system… thus it has become more natural and more effortless for me to be a vegetarian, without struggle or the sense of sacrificing... I assume that energy works the similar way: Once you start to work with your own energy, your awareness and sensitivity of energy inside you and around you will be increased gradually; then it will be easier for you to catch up the clues of the negative energies arising inside or outside of you; then it will be easier for you to redirect the energy consciously towards love and the other positive energies… As whatever you turn your intention away from, that energy will be weakened; as whatever you turn your attention towards, that energy will be strengthened …

           I remember a story about the legendary Kongfu master Xi Hezi- when he was a young man that he told people that he was going to master an impossible Kongfu technique called ‘One-Finger-Energy-Punch’, of course everyone laughed at him. But 40 years later, his one finger punch could even penetrate the brick wall! Just imagine, how powerful that would be if we can focus our life energy only on love!... So let us focus on love and extend kindness to the others and ourselves, no matter how insignificant it may seem, and let us be one who can truly radiate this kind of loving energy into the world: to the flowers; to the trees, to the rocks; to the insects; to the animals; to the stars and to the people… I believe, by being such a human being will make you truly the KING of your own kingdom in the end!

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