Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Way of the Warriors

She says:

‘My beloved master,
When there was nobody saw me,
you saw me;
When there was nobody understood me,
you understood me…’

The master replies:
‘If you aren't seeking yourself,
you won’t find me even I am sitting next to you;
If you aren't ready yourself,
You won’t be able to understand me 
even I am trying to explain to you…
We are merely mirroring each other,
like the moon is reflected in the lake.
If the water is not clear enough, still enough,
the moon wouldn't be seen so beautifully …’

She says:
‘My beloved master,
you have taught me about the fine swordsmanship.
What if , I fail to defeat the other swordsmen,
will I bring the shame upon your name?’

The master replies:
’Wining and losing is the game for the fools.
I have no name which you can bring the shame upon-
I come from the nameless ;
and I shall return to the nameless.
A great name may serve a great deal to a false master
but serves nothing to a real master!’

She says:
‘My beloved master,
Why have you been so emphasizing on-
A man must place his/her mind/heart in the right place first
before walking on the path the warriors?’

The master replies:
‘If an ill -hearted man learns about the martial way,
he/she may bring misfortunes and destructions to the others;
If a mediocre man learns about the martial way,
he/she may use the name of the warriors as his/her trophy;
But if a man with right mind/heart learns about the martial way ,
he/she may strive himself /herself towards the righteous way –
for serving the good
for honoring the courageous 
other than his /her trifle self interests;
Thus, only a man of such is fitted to be a true warrior;
only a warrior of such can truly protect and sustain life
even he/she is a man who carries the sword…’

She says:
‘My beloved master,
how shall I NOT fear for death?
how shall I be courageous 
when someone is pointing the chilly sword blade at my heart…?!’

The master replies:
‘When a warrior accepts his/her death,
it is not because he/she doesn't want to live;
it is not even because he/she is unafraid;
it is because, they know in their hearts-
There is a kind of death worse than the physical death- 
the death of one’s spirit!
Knowing the danger yet keeping forward is the way of warriors ;
Knowing the pain yet swallowing away the tears is the way of the warriors;
Knowing the death approaching yet not yielding is the way of the warriors;
Legend says, in the kingdom of the warriors,
Unless all the fears are known to your mind and to your heart,
you won't be able to enter the kingdom of the true warriors;
you won't be able to have the companionship of 
the bravest and the most compassionate hearts…’

She says:
‘My beloved master,
would you say that the way of the warriors -
still have its place in today’s society?’

The master replies:
‘If an old way can still serve you good-
Take advantage of it even though the others ridicule it;
If an old way can no longer serve you good-
Discard it no matter how highly it was regarded once;
Consistency without flexibility is just rigid foolishness,
Flexibility without consistency leads nowhere either!
The way of the warriors -
is NOT just the way for the battlefields during the war times,
it is also the way of life

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