Thursday, October 26, 2017

Love and Hate

Oh, how much I have hated my parents-
for their worldly shrewdness;
for having us carry over their own desires and guilt;
We were lost all together like blind led by the blind…
Yet, how much I love my parents-
for having the opportunity to manifest my life through them;
for having shared their sufferings and ignorance-
so to kindle my desire of wanting to be freed from -
the sufferings and ignorance...

Oh, how much I have hated this body of mine -
for its vulnerability and its limitations
for the disbelief of such a greatness,
such an intelligence dwelling in a such poverty …
Yet, how much I love this body of mine –
for my ears can hear the songs echoing within the deep forest;
for my feet can feel the tickles of the sand, the caressing of the sea;
for my face can sense the warm glow from the first ray of the morning sun;
for my heart can throb the beautiful melodies
when you take me into your arms…

Oh, how much I have hated this world-
for its hypocrisy and its unfairness;
for its greediness and its unconsciousness-
People die as if they have never lived;
People live as if they have never died…
Yet, how much I love this world-
for the small dewdrops glittering in the sunlight beautifully;
for the maple leaves turning into flamingo red magically;
for the delicious smell of newly brewed coffee filling up my room slowly;
for the good laughs with those dear friends of mine;
for the small kindness shown by some passing-by strangers;
for the desire of seeing your sweet smile
as soon as I open my eyes in the morning…

Oh, how silly of me-
have spent years in loving this and hating that;
then again, how silly of me -
have spent years at war with myself for loving this and hate that!
Oh, how silly of me-
for not understanding both my love and my hate 
are of the same ONE energy within me!

Whenever I deny my hate,
I deny my love as well;
Whenever I deny the intensity of my hate,
I deny the intensity of my love as well…
Those weak people-
who neither dare to love nor to hate,
so they love lightly and hate lightly;
Those passionate souls-
who can neither love lightly nor hate lightly ,
whatever they do they do with their intensity-
they can't be any other way.

One can only love/hate as one's energy allows;
Energy has to be expressed by moving-
(standing still leads to stagnation)
Or moving from love to hate,
Or moving from hate to love …
One has to take the full responsibility
for one's energy manifestation-
or moving little closer towards love, joy and light;
or moving little closer towards hate, suffering and darkness;
There is no such a thing as victim of the outer forces 
but there is everything to do with one's own making here...

As were repeated in my dreams,
I watched my self leaving my body -
soaring through the endless clouds in the sky;
venturing into the dangerous uncharted seas;
standing on the mountain tops laughing loudly-
at the drama plays of my chosen;
at this whole absurdity of separation 
between love and hate!


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