Saturday, December 29, 2018


Life does have a good sense of humor 
First I had to spend years and years –
to learn how to be an appropriate adult
Then I had to spend years and years -
to relearn how to be like a child again

There is nothing-
 really needed to add to our being to be happy;
But there is much-
needed to be released to find back our inner peace;
Sometime less is indeed more.

Here I am,
feeling the freshness of crispy air coming in and out of my lungs;
fascinating over the sun rays reflecting on the ice flakes making them like magical crystals;
checking out the small creatures  hidden under the stone in the creek;
giggling like a child being caught by some snow falling from a tree branch into my neck…

I know, maybe, to many others-
I have been growing more and more foolish;
Yet I know, for sure, to my own soul-
it has been growing the rejoices for my return
to ALL that is of pure spirit
to ALL that is wonderous and mysterious ……

Happy New Year 2019!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Divine Purpose

           A few days ago, I overheard the conversations among a few young guys in their late 20s and earlier 30s, typically Scandinavian blue eyes and brown hair handsomes. They were talking about girls and comparing how many girlfriends they have had so far, they were teasing each other and exchanging the mischievous laughters as if they were winning some kind of trophies…

        I turned my attention away feeling a sense of sadness: What has happenen to us? What has happened to our values? ...  Do you really think that you are gaining or winning something? Do you realize what you are doing to yourself?... Sexual energy is a very powerful energy-for its powerful ability to create and to destroy. In Chinese ancient Taoism there was a sacred knowledge about sexual alchemy to obtain higher status of consciousness through the physical union and alignment of two energies with love, but only physical union won’t do. With that being said, the energy exchange through physical contact will have a greater and a longer impact on both parties physically, mentally and spiritually, which many may have underestimated. Once the contact is taken place, the energy cording between two will be established, even though you might never see each other again afterwards, the energy cording will continue to exist-you taking on each other’s energies(good or bad), even each other's karmic energies… unless you are consciously enough to work with cutting off and releasing that energetic bond between you two (because you have the free will )... Anyway, it means the more ‘trophies’ you have collected, most likely, the more energy burdens you may have taken on yourself, even the other's past karmic energy burdens; which also means the more work will be needed from you to work off those energies ... So really, in what sense do you think you have gained or won,  your ego maybe?!

            It is within each soul’s deep longing to learn its lesson through different sojourns, to evolve, to be able to return to the soul’s original ‘purity’; to transmute heavier energy to lighter energy; to transcend from the lower vibrations to higher vibrations; to be able to ‘go home’ in the end (we can’t return not because there is a wrathful God punishing us and stopping us, it is just because our own energy can’t sustain in those higher vibrations and frequencies yet)... 3D earthly sojourn is no more than another universe school. During our lifetime in this earthly ‘ school’, each relationship we have, each soul we encounter will be served as the mirror to ourselves; to learn the lessons which were intended; to prepare us for the union with ourselves and finally one with God(the creative universal forces)... By avoiding the work in the relationships once they become rocky; by running away from our own issues and shadows, we will be just delaying our own soul development. Lessons have to be learnt, in one way or another, in one life or another. Though there is no authoritive God or Gods demanding us to do so, it is within our own soul’s innate deep desire- to release all the karmic burdens, to heal ourselves, to return to that divine light, to experience that kind of unconditional love and to be able to feel that kind of oneness with ALL that is again...

           If we choose to run away from our problems; if we keep looking for the answers from the outside sources(e.g. money, drugs, alcohol, sex etc.), we probably have to reincarnate many more lives to have that intended lesson learnt- It is so called ‘wheel of karma’ in Buddhism. I call it as‘the wheel of hamster’- Be like a hamster keeping running yet get to no where!… After all the failed relationships, after all the heartaches and headaches, we may come to an important life realization one day- There is no one in this world can truly fulfill you other than yourself! And there is no relationship in this world can truly fill that empty void inside you(maybe temporarily), other than the relationship with yourself!

          Once we give up looking outside ourselves for answers, we may ready to have a true relationship with ourselves. I am not saying it is an easy process- It is said easier to victory over the others than over one’s self! In order to purge, to heal, one has to tear off one’s own masks and falsehood; One has to face one’s own shadows and the dark night of the soul; One has to be willing to open the deep old wounds and scars and to look at them objectively; One has to own one’s own karma, both good or bad which have been done to the others and one’s self… Therefore until we can have a pretty good authentic relationship with ourselves,  most of our relationships will remain on the egoistic façade exploiting each other in the name of love…

           Once we can see the truth beneath the veil of the dramas of our relationships; Once we can perceive the divine purpose beyond our frustrations and disappointments – As it is said, prior to our reincarnation, it was our own soul who have made different agreements and contracts with other souls or soulmates that they shall play certain roles in our life- a heavier role or a lighter role, a role of 'a good guy' or a role of ‘a bad guy’, so we can learn our intended lessons, to serve our soul growth… It may seem difficult to digest at first, but this may exactly what our higher selfs wanted, exactly what we need for our soul growth... Sometimes life is not what it seems, and love is not what it seems. If we could try to ‘see from above’ sometimes, our relationships no matter how challenging they are, how heartbreaking it is, there may still be hidden higher purposes and disguised blessings for us ......

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Beyond likes and dislikes

I was in tears-
for who I was NOT

I am in tears -
for who I AM

BEYOND others’ likes and dislikes
You shall meet with your authentic self there;

BEYOND any form of control or manipulation
You shall meet with your soaring free spirit there;

BEYOND your own conditioned patterns
You shall meet with the Divine Love there

Sunday, September 30, 2018


                A few months ago there were a lot of discussions around ‘Blue Penis in Stockholm City’:  A Swedish artist has painted a five-story-high blue erect penis, complete with bulging veins, on an apartment building in central Stockholm…I am not an art critic and usually I hold in high regards for the creative expressions in arts. Even though personally, I prefer arts being expressed in a more sensible, more subtle, kinda‘ less is more’ manner. Today there are many arts are too daring and too vulgar to my taste- as if it has left no space for brewing feelings and no room for imagination… Well, we all have different tastes, that is not really my concern. My concern is how the hidden messages and vibrations emitting from a piece of art to anything can have impacts on our wellbeing on many levels-consciously or unconsciously; for better or for worse.

         As we understand, everything in life is vibration. Everything has its vibratory energy and manifests itself in different ways, from our thoughts to our feelings, from physical realm to mental to spiritual realm. Where there is energy, there are vibrations.  Physical energy which is related to what we do in our daily lives can be more easily understood- as simple as we feel better when we choose to eat more healthily, because heavy meats and junkie food carrying heavier energies, which make us vibrate on lower level after we have them stuffed into our bodies. So is applied to the emotional energy as well: All the positive emotions like love, kindness, joy, passion, acceptance, forgiveness carry higher vibrations, while all the negative emotions like guilt, anger, resentment carry lower vibrations. Which also means, when you are angry, you project your anger, low vibrational energy, to the people around you, and to the universe… if you keep that angry status for long enough without seeking ways to release or cleanse it, you will get stuck and bonded by that kind of energy, that kind of vibration, which makes harder to change, to break free! Universe doesn’t define you from your words but from your energy projecting into the world! Thus, your energy is your  signature, your ‘business card’- you attract or dispel whatever into your life, with what you already have!

           So please don’t underestimate the small things, small choices we make from day to day, because they do have greater impact on us in a long run. We have heard many times that we are what we think, you may think: One thought can do no harm, it is just one thought. But if you allow one negative thought after another, they will grow and take a root in you, they will become your thought pattern and eventually become you- your signature! Obviously the Buddha understood this: ‘One thought leads to heaven and one thought leads to hell.’ So be careful with what kind of pattern you are creating for yourself!

          Thus, the vibratory reality is not less of reality in any sense, everything has an electromagnetic reality to it, even though most of people don’t perceive in this way since we are living in a mind-dominating society- we are taught to believe only what we can see, we can touch, or only what it has been proved scientifically. We humans are born with seven energy centers. I don’t know how many centers are really activated or being actively lived by people throughout their entire lives?! Today many of our innate psychic abilities and intuition were largely discarded and reduced to nothing but some kind of  superstitional concepts… this kind of collectiv mentality has been served as stumbling blocks for human souls’ evolution in large…

          So what is your energy? What is your vibration? What makes you happy and uplifting? What makes you feel drained and down? What are your triggers? How much do you know about yourself?... For instance,  when you listen to some music, some music bring forth certain peace and calmness to you; some music make you happy and cheerful; some music give you headaches because different music carry different vibrational frequencies … so it is better to pay attention to your inner feeling, maybe even deliberately choose more uplifting music when you feel low,  in order to raise your own vibration with the help of the vibration from the music ... I am sure there are a lot information related to the vibrational healing you can find from internet. Thus,  even everyone or every art authorities praise for the excellency of  the ‘blue penis’, you know better how it has made you feel: love or lust? The true unconditional love has the highest vibration of all; yet pure physical lust without love has pretty low vibration to it... Most of all, your own feeling is always more valid than anyone else’s judgement! I can understand, many times it is not easy to be true to one's true self, it does require  courage to be authentic, to be like that small child in ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’ shouting out –‘ But he has nothing on!’

          Please don’t say that you are of no expert on this energy matter. As I mentioned before, we all are innately wired with the ability to detect energy vibrations and ability to heal ourselves and others. Due to many political, cultural, religious repressions and manipulations through out human’s history, we humans have lost touch with our authentic self (soul aspect) and the wisdom, the sacred knowledge with it… So now it is high time to reclaim our birthright- the inner knowing of this universal energy/vibration reality ...  You can learn some basic methods like meditation, Qigong, reiki etc., to understand your own energy fluctuations due to various triggers, in order to preserve/cleanse your energy and raise your vibrations. Otherwise over some time you will be accumulate a lot of ‘junkie energies’ and ‘ low-vibrational staffs’ into your life, which soon or later will manifest into many forms of illness in your physical body, or your mental body, or  even your spiritual body … So if you desire a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life for yourself, you do need consciously align yourself with the right energies, and the high vibrational ideas such as love, kindness, forgiveness, compassion and brotherhood etc., then right people, right circumstances, and the success and abundance will be attracted into our life… Because, like attracts like- that goes with the universal  law of attraction!

Monday, August 27, 2018

I am NOT that

I am neither male nor female
I am neither strong nor weak
Whatever you think I am
I am NOT that

I am neither Chinese nor European
I am neither rich nor poor
Whatever you think I am
I am NOT that

I am neither Buddhist nor Christian
I am neither esoteric nor scientific
Whatever you think I am
I am NOT that

I am neither married nor single
I am neither a mother nor a daughter
Whatever you think I am
I am NOT that

I am neither a seeker nor a businessman
I am neither pretty nor ugly
I am neither old nor young
Whatever you think I am
I am NOT that

Whatever you think I am
I am NOT that...
I AM -
everything you think I AM
but also-
everything you think I AM NOT

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Who are you?

YOU may have been fearful for so long -
Of the darkness
Of the sickness
Of the death
Of the unknown
But fear will always have its powerful grip on you
Unless you are ready to question your own truth :
YOU are NOT your physical body

 You may have been telling yourself for so long-
not pretty/handsome enough
not good enough
not smart enough
not successful enough
All your unworthiness will follow you -
like ghostly shadows forever
Unless you are ready to accept your own truth:
YOU are NOT your thoughts 

 You may have been so unfairly and so unjustly-
mistreated by some
wounded by some
betrayed by some
unloved by some
You will continue to be tormented and bonded-
 in that space of ‘dark night of the soul’
Unless you are ready to release your own truth:
YOU are NOT your emotions 

So, WHO ARE YOU, really?

If your truth is -
 placed in your physical  existence
the physical force within you will be strengthened;

If your truth is -
placed in your mental development
the mental force within you will be strengthened;

If your truth is -
 placed in your spiritual seeking
the spiritual force within you will be strengthened…

 So, What is your TRUTH?
Or shall I say, 
What would you like to be your truth?

 May LOVE and LIGHT be our truth
May GRACE and COURAGE be our truth
May BEAUTY and JOY be our truth
 be our truth!

Friday, June 29, 2018

Finding the Way

When your ego is bruised-
Don’t hurry to cover it
Go within!
There you can examine the stupidity of ego  

When your heart is broken-
Don’t run away from the pain
Go within!
There you can meet the true bravery of your heart

When you are frustrated and confused-
Don’t go back to your unconscious sleep
Go within!
There you will meet the wise soul of yours…

As when elements are subject to their free interplay
Life does find its way

When mind is freed from its self imprisonment
Spirit does find its way (back to you)

When  ego is laid down
Love does find its way (back to you)

So, whenever you are ready to surrender to your truth-
not his, hers or theirs
Then you will find the way -
where you are supposed to be

Monday, May 28, 2018


As God desires,
Universe is manifested forth;

As man desires,
The world of man is actualized

As I desired,
I came to existence

As you are desired,
You came to my reality

Behold the fire of your desire,
speak many men of this world-
Desire is the engine of all the human’s achievements

Behold the fire of desire,
say many spiritual gurus-
Desire is the root cause of the human’s corruptions

Behold the fire of desire,
says a truly wise man-
Desire is neither good nor bad
It fires up passion and creativity, with the right mind
It reduces a man to ashes, with the wrong mind

The problem is NOT we desire
The problem is we have lost ourselves in the desires

The mistake is NOT that I love you
The mistake is I have lost my self 
in loving you

Thursday, April 26, 2018

One in All, All in One

While good health has one form only

Evils may come in with different shapes,
While love has the shape of heart only

Darkness may conceal within different shades,
While light knows how to shine through only

The foolish and the wicked -
are busy with how to have their names 
written in history book

While the integral beings -
Care little about their names in the other's eyes
but their own sincerity and their inner self 's calling
they all are so different yet so alike
reflecting each other in such a perfect harmony
as ONE in ALL,

Looking into your eyes,
I see the luminous light welling up
But, how can you have not seen-
your own light?!

Looking deep within my self ,
I see the very soul of mine is -
nothing less but of a divine gift.
But, what have I done so far-
to honor such a blessing?!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Joy of a Different Place

  ‘ When she finds joy and wonder in every little thing, joy and wonder will always find her.’
-          Katrina Mayer

 Look at this baby-
who is smiling at you
your heart starts to melt –
into that innocence and that pureness
like snow melting in the early spring sun…

Look at that man-
who is smiling at you
his smile may be sweet and sophisticated,
you may even smile back at him 
but you will keep your heart guarded carefully,
You both are playing a game 
because of your inner knowing :
the smiles can come from different places-
or from a real place of the soul;
or from a fake place of the masked ego…

A child is joyful-
his joy comes from a place of innocence;
A fool is joyful-
his joy comes from a place of ignorance;
A man is still joyful-
 after being wronged by others many times,
his joy comes from a place of his compassion;
A man is still joyful -
after all the heartbreaks and tribulations-
his joy comes from a place of his inner strength…

Joy to joy can be of different depths;
Man to man can be of worlds apart,
but to a fool,

they are all the same


Tuesday, February 27, 2018


As soon as you try to vocalize
the magnificent Northern lights,
You are missing-

As soon as you intellectualize your life
as a mere physical existence,
You are missing-

As soon as you need reasons
to love,
You are missing-

As soon as you feel compelled
to define or debate about your God,
You are missing-

Friday, January 26, 2018

Just Surviving

Before I met you,
Love was just words.

Before I knew my Self,
I was just an imitator.

Before I understood life,
I was just surviving.