Sunday, September 30, 2018


                A few months ago there were a lot of discussions around ‘Blue Penis in Stockholm City’:  A Swedish artist has painted a five-story-high blue erect penis, complete with bulging veins, on an apartment building in central Stockholm…I am not an art critic and usually I hold in high regards for the creative expressions in arts. Even though personally, I prefer arts being expressed in a more sensible, more subtle, kinda‘ less is more’ manner. Today there are many arts are too daring and too vulgar to my taste- as if it has left no space for brewing feelings and no room for imagination… Well, we all have different tastes, that is not really my concern. My concern is how the hidden messages and vibrations emitting from a piece of art to anything can have impacts on our wellbeing on many levels-consciously or unconsciously; for better or for worse.

         As we understand, everything in life is vibration. Everything has its vibratory energy and manifests itself in different ways, from our thoughts to our feelings, from physical realm to mental to spiritual realm. Where there is energy, there are vibrations.  Physical energy which is related to what we do in our daily lives can be more easily understood- as simple as we feel better when we choose to eat more healthily, because heavy meats and junkie food carrying heavier energies, which make us vibrate on lower level after we have them stuffed into our bodies. So is applied to the emotional energy as well: All the positive emotions like love, kindness, joy, passion, acceptance, forgiveness carry higher vibrations, while all the negative emotions like guilt, anger, resentment carry lower vibrations. Which also means, when you are angry, you project your anger, low vibrational energy, to the people around you, and to the universe… if you keep that angry status for long enough without seeking ways to release or cleanse it, you will get stuck and bonded by that kind of energy, that kind of vibration, which makes harder to change, to break free! Universe doesn’t define you from your words but from your energy projecting into the world! Thus, your energy is your  signature, your ‘business card’- you attract or dispel whatever into your life, with what you already have!

           So please don’t underestimate the small things, small choices we make from day to day, because they do have greater impact on us in a long run. We have heard many times that we are what we think, you may think: One thought can do no harm, it is just one thought. But if you allow one negative thought after another, they will grow and take a root in you, they will become your thought pattern and eventually become you- your signature! Obviously the Buddha understood this: ‘One thought leads to heaven and one thought leads to hell.’ So be careful with what kind of pattern you are creating for yourself!

          Thus, the vibratory reality is not less of reality in any sense, everything has an electromagnetic reality to it, even though most of people don’t perceive in this way since we are living in a mind-dominating society- we are taught to believe only what we can see, we can touch, or only what it has been proved scientifically. We humans are born with seven energy centers. I don’t know how many centers are really activated or being actively lived by people throughout their entire lives?! Today many of our innate psychic abilities and intuition were largely discarded and reduced to nothing but some kind of  superstitional concepts… this kind of collectiv mentality has been served as stumbling blocks for human souls’ evolution in large…

          So what is your energy? What is your vibration? What makes you happy and uplifting? What makes you feel drained and down? What are your triggers? How much do you know about yourself?... For instance,  when you listen to some music, some music bring forth certain peace and calmness to you; some music make you happy and cheerful; some music give you headaches because different music carry different vibrational frequencies … so it is better to pay attention to your inner feeling, maybe even deliberately choose more uplifting music when you feel low,  in order to raise your own vibration with the help of the vibration from the music ... I am sure there are a lot information related to the vibrational healing you can find from internet. Thus,  even everyone or every art authorities praise for the excellency of  the ‘blue penis’, you know better how it has made you feel: love or lust? The true unconditional love has the highest vibration of all; yet pure physical lust without love has pretty low vibration to it... Most of all, your own feeling is always more valid than anyone else’s judgement! I can understand, many times it is not easy to be true to one's true self, it does require  courage to be authentic, to be like that small child in ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’ shouting out –‘ But he has nothing on!’

          Please don’t say that you are of no expert on this energy matter. As I mentioned before, we all are innately wired with the ability to detect energy vibrations and ability to heal ourselves and others. Due to many political, cultural, religious repressions and manipulations through out human’s history, we humans have lost touch with our authentic self (soul aspect) and the wisdom, the sacred knowledge with it… So now it is high time to reclaim our birthright- the inner knowing of this universal energy/vibration reality ...  You can learn some basic methods like meditation, Qigong, reiki etc., to understand your own energy fluctuations due to various triggers, in order to preserve/cleanse your energy and raise your vibrations. Otherwise over some time you will be accumulate a lot of ‘junkie energies’ and ‘ low-vibrational staffs’ into your life, which soon or later will manifest into many forms of illness in your physical body, or your mental body, or  even your spiritual body … So if you desire a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life for yourself, you do need consciously align yourself with the right energies, and the high vibrational ideas such as love, kindness, forgiveness, compassion and brotherhood etc., then right people, right circumstances, and the success and abundance will be attracted into our life… Because, like attracts like- that goes with the universal  law of attraction!

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