Saturday, December 29, 2018


Life does have a good sense of humor 
First I had to spend years and years –
to learn how to be an appropriate adult
Then I had to spend years and years -
to relearn how to be like a child again

There is nothing-
 really needed to add to our being to be happy;
But there is much-
needed to be released to find back our inner peace;
Sometime less is indeed more.

Here I am,
feeling the freshness of crispy air coming in and out of my lungs;
fascinating over the sun rays reflecting on the ice flakes making them like magical crystals;
checking out the small creatures  hidden under the stone in the creek;
giggling like a child being caught by some snow falling from a tree branch into my neck…

I know, maybe, to many others-
I have been growing more and more foolish;
Yet I know, for sure, to my own soul-
it has been growing the rejoices for my return
to ALL that is of pure spirit
to ALL that is wonderous and mysterious ……

Happy New Year 2019!