Sunday, March 31, 2019

Speak Highest Within

             Since I have experienced unusual encounters and moments a few times in my life which have contributed much to my continuous curiosity and the mystic feeling about life, because they have given me the indications that things which have been always perceived in certain ways don't necessarily have to be that way …

           That was an ordinary day, I remember. I sat myself lazily on my terrace doing nothing and thinking of nothing, just watching the clouds against the backdrop of a blue sky moving little and changing forms little; I, feeling the pleasant spring breeze in the air; hearing the birds chipping from time to time, there was a sense of peace and tranquility bubbling inside me … Until suddenly a small bird ‘blue tit’(Cyanistes caeruleus) 'disturbed' my peace and landed on the table beside me... It looked incredible cute, with soft yellow color on its abdomen; mixed yellow and blue color on its back; white-faced but with a dash of blue on the top of its head…simply a beautiful bird! I did not know what I was thinking but I reached out to the bird with my palm open: ‘Come, little one, come to me…’’ To my surprise, it did fly to me and landed on my palm! I could not believe my eye that a free bird was standing in my palm! After initial a few second’s surprise and hesitation, I became bolder with my next not-thinking-through move :  I whispered gently to the bird as if I was speaking to my pet: ‘Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you…’ Next was the weird thing happening:  The bird seemed settling in my palm instead of flying off; and I ended up in touching its back, rubbering its soft feather with my fingers as if I was  cuddling my own pet… Maybe the whole touching thing only lasted for about 15 seconds before it took off and disappeared in the air, but still it was amazing… My daughter caught sight of the scene, in complete disbelief what she just saw... I was surprised but the same time not that surprised. Within that 15 seconds, I knew there was something special happened- Some boundary was crossed... Somewhere, somehow the spirit of mine in a human form was tuned in with the spirit of a bird in its animal form... In those seconds, great trust was shared and love was understood…

           It is ironic that which has taken some seconds to establish a trust bond with a bird would have taken years with a human being, or worse- the more grownup we humans become the more distrust we are towards each other! Once we all had that kind of openness, non-judgement and trust when we were babies before we have learnt us how to be proper humans according to our social norms and standards; Once we all were much connected with our origin and the universe at large that we all are of spirits, may in different forms but all interconnected, understand the common language of the universe- LOVE! …  When a spirit can't express itself due to the too much overtaken by the physical forces and restrictions; Or when a innerchild voice is constantly being victimnized by the ego mind, a person will gradually lose her or his power in connecting with All That Is, which will result the perception of separation from the universe and result in more fear because our human physical body is always fearful while our spirit is always fearless… So when our mind is based on the perceptions of separation and ego, no matter how eloquent we have become; no matter how much knowledge we have acquired; the words coming out of our mouth are as empty as cheap car salesmen…thus any forms of communication originates from that place of ego will only serve the expansion and manipulation of EGO, nothing more!  Today we humans are living in an era with the biggest ego, but also with the biggest fear due to our perceptions of separation from the others,  even from ourselves!

            So if your words are not coming from a place of heart; from a place of spirit/soul; from a place of authenticity… then please behold your words! I, rather to be left alone with a tree or a cat because I don’t want to feel that terrible sense of loneliness even with your presence, with all that of nonsense coming out of your mouth…I understand where you come from because I have been in your shoes before, but you will not understand me... I am no longer interested in wasting my time, life is too previous.  For those who understand me, there is no need for me to explain myself; and for those who don’t, why bother?! Real flow of communication can’t neither be forced nor manipulated, it just happens naturally and beautifully... It is pure energy exchange of love flowing from one soul to another, from one spirit to another… So when you are ready to speak from the highest place within you to the highest place within me, trust will be shared and love will be felt naturally and spontaneously, with or without a spoken word; So, if you practice to  ‘speak’ the highest within always, no matter it is to a tree, a dog or a human, you will find the whole existence starting opening to you, and ‘speaking’ to you and through you, with the universal language of LOVE …