Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Manipulation of Energy

           It is pretty human that we get ourselves stuck in our old patterns-the way we think, perceive, feel and react to people and situations. We may have aware that some of them are no longer serving us anymore, yet we may still choose to be stuck there, comfortably. Yes, there is always choice.

         Everything is energy. We all know that energy can neither be destroyed, energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another. This law of thermodynamic has been widely applied in our modern way of life especially in the areas like science and technologies, yet too few take advantage in applying in those areas for the sake of benefiting our spiritual development and our wellbeing… Just think, if those negative energy patterns we have created in our life can’t be eliminated, why not working with transmuting and transforming them into some more positive energies instead?! There is no need to destroy our ‘bad energy’, transformation will do. After all, it is of the same energy of us anyway.

            I remember when I was in my teens, my hormones were running up and down. Quite often I was being taught by my father that how bad and how ugly it was to get angry, especially for a girl (he did not think about his own anger issue, I guess)… and this ‘teaching’ has had quite some influence on me even long into my adulthood whenever it came to how to deal with conflicts or anger issues. Quite often I had some kind of automatic withdrawal response as soon as I sensed some sticky situation. I did not know how to express my anger even when I got very very upset, instead I chose to shy away from conflict or to hide in my ‘cocoon’ breaking into tears, those were my usual method of releasing my suppressed emotional energy. But as soon as my emotion energy was released, I put back my happy face pretending nothing happened but secretly holding the resentment towards the person, which is called passive aggressive behavior in psychological term. The thing is if energy can’t be expressed naturally and channeled properly, it is suppressed and it will build up and eventually erupt in some unexpected even destructive ways like deadly disease or mental breakdown... Unfortunately human society has certain set of definitions between male and female roles,  maybe too much of focus are put to define our differences other than our commonalities. In fact, we each human embodies naturally both male and female characters, both Yin and Yang energy in terms of energy. But somehow human society, or more of human’s ego, has always been preferring the concept of a male embodying yang energy and a female yin energy, as if his male ego will get hurt if he shows the embodiment of yin energy and vice versa. This kind of misunderstanding plus ego has caused so many unnecessary sufferings in our human experiences, both physically, emotionally and mentally…because too much of yang energy tends to lead to aggression, too much of yin energy tends to lead to victimization.  Thus, we should work with balancing the polarity energies instead of working against them; thus we shoule honor the cycle of our emotions, including anger! Different emotion carries different elemental energy, say we Chinese. Anger usually carries lots of fire elemental energy. When it is expressed fairly and channeled properly, it has great power for transformation, and for creativity as well!  I am not suggesting you to get angry with people without reason, I am simply saying that when you have good reason to be angry, then don’t hold back, express the fire within you, let your voice be heard!

          I am sure there are many different ways which can help you to shift your energies for example meditation, reiki and breathing technique, music, shamanistic drum etc. You need to find what it works best for you. Whatever it is, the essential point is that it can help you to shift between energies- by changing the status of your emotion, or mental focus to enable you to shift from your old negative pattern into a new more positive pattern. Like any creation, new pattern has to be worked out until it becomes stabilized pattern for you. In the meantime your energy may still shift back and forth between your old energy pattern and your new energy pattern... But do hold on, you will get out of your old cycle, feeling much freer and lighter. The trick is to try to look for the silver lining in any given situations, always! You may call it self-delusion or self manipulation, but if it is for your highest good, why not?! Life is already pretty illusional, isn’t it? Most of us have spent most part of our lives in manipulating our energies for the wrong reasons, why not for the right reason this time?! For example, you have experienced some pain, some loss, some betrays and some disappointments in the past. Would you like to let this past define who you are and who you will be? Would you like to be stuck in that kinds of anger, sadness and resentment? Would you like to break free from the old cycle  and start fresh? If you so choose to see your situation as a way of learning your intended lesson; if you so choose to see your sufferings as a way of releasing your karmic debts; if you so choose those experiences as a way of awakening a deep yarning for healing; if you so choose those setbacks as necessary to rid of your heavy energy so you will be freer and lighter; if you so choose to see the hidden blessings regardless of your circumstances…Wouldn’t you already feel the rising of gratitude in your heart; the uplifted hope in your spirit; and the much longed peace filling up you and your space?!  ......

I like Rumi's saying: 
"Yesterday I was clever, 
I wanted to change the world
Today I am wiser
So I am changing myself..."

When I was judging the others
I was being judged by the others;
When I accept the others as they are
I am accepting myself as I am;
When I change my energy pattern
I am changing the manifestations of my reality;
When I changed my mind
I changed my mind about the world…

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