Thursday, May 30, 2019

Give that To Yourself

                                                          She used to waiting 
                                                       waiting for people to tell her-
that she was lovable
that she deserved their affections

She used to waiting
waiting for people to see her-
that she was worthy
that she deserved their attention

She used to waiting
waiting for people to forgive
that she was wronged by them
that she deserved their repentances...

Seasons come and go
Years come and go
People come and go
She was still in her waiting mode…
Since she had cried a river of sorrow-
feeling unvalidated and unloved
feeling helpless and hopeless…
She felt like a small chess in the mercy of life-
being moved and played by people and circumstances
which she felt that she had little saying or control;
She could never imagine -
that she could be a chess master herself
actually playing her own game of life…

Please take back your power, girl!
Please claim your power, girl!
Life is too precious to be wasted in waiting-
waiting for things to happen
waiting for people to change
Things don’t have that much power over you-
unless you allow them;
People don’t have that power over you-
unless you allow them!

What people fail to validate you
Give that validation to yourself!
What people fail to recognize you
Give that recognition to yourself!
What people fail to love you
Give that love to yourself!
Whatever people fail to give to you
Give that to yourself or more!!

Though universe is vast, so are you;
Though life is powerful, so are you;
You are not just born into this world
This world is born by you…
You can be your own greatest scriptwriter
and you can be your own best audience!
(regardless if there are someone applauding for you or not.)