Sunday, June 30, 2019

Stop Battling

I have learned-
If I would give in to the powerful
I may have saved myself from
certain dreadful fates temporarily
But, my spirit would have suffered more

I have learned-
If I would compromise my integrity
I may have gained
some more appraises and success temporarily
But, part of my soul would have been compromised too

I have learned-
If I would behold my mask playing
the games like everyone else
My life may have been easier, at least temporarily
But, my light would have been dimmed more
… …

Often people are busy with battling with each other
while I found that more often I was battling with myself -
between physical and spiritual world,
between my own light and darkness,
between the immediate sense gratifications
and the long soul’s journey…
I have been battling long enough to understand-
how hard this battle can be;
how lonely one can feel at times;
how terribly a genuine seeker can be misunderstood by people
even by those close and loved ones to him/her…

There were those moments that
I felt like a wounded warrior keeping fighting
a battle which was invisible to the outside world-
my body was broken
my heart was bruised
my hands were bleeding
Yet I kept telling myself-
Just try a little bit harder
Just hold on a little bit longer… this too shall pass.
All  pain shall pass;
All confusions shall pass;
All delusions shall pass…

Fighting was necessary.
Struggling was necessary.
(How would knowledge and clarity be gained -
about one’s self otherwise ?!)
Not until I have known my self to a point that-
both my light and shadow
both my Yin and Yang energy
both my physical and spiritual aspects
both my past and future
All opposites can be met in the same place-
ONE sacred place within me
and within each of us...
( There is no contradictory in the opposites-
but to enrich us
if parts of self are not denied;
if energies are worked with instead of against.)
Thus, I stopped battling with myself.