Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A True Healer

A mediocre doctor will give you
medicine to ease your symptoms;

A better doctor will try to analyze
your symptoms in a more holistic fashion;

An extraordinary doctor will look deeper
for the connections between the physical health
and the emotion or mental health;

Yet a real healer will go even further-
beyond the physical and mental bodies
seeking within one’s soul for
the answer to the root cause of all the symptoms.

Quite often-
A mediocre doctor will be appreciated for his medicine;
A better doctor will be appraised for his knowledge;
An extraordinary doctor will be admired for his insight;
A real healer will yet be resented or even punished–
for pointing out that you are living a life not aligned with your soul purpose;
for saying that YOU are mainly responsible for the manifestations of your illness;
for trying to guide you towards the journey of self healing instead of giving you a quick fix…

It is easier to be relieved by pills;
It is easier to be saved by someone else;
It is easier to blame others or circumstances
It is just too painful to admit to one’s self that –
‘ It is me that have been so caught up in my own ego and the worldly interests;
It is me that have been entertaining those low vibrational people and energies;
It is me that have been ignoring my soul’s promptings for all those years…’
It is so easy to forget that we are more than just physical beings-
we are the beings of trinity(body, mind and spirit)
All three aspects shall be balanced not only-
for the purpose of good physical health but also for the soul ascensions.
Our modern way of living has created very off-balanced human beings:
So much of our energies are focus on our body conscious and mental abilities
The spirit/soul aspect has been largely suppressed or ignored-
the incapability for soul to express itself freely through our body and mind
naturally those energy blocks will be manifested in the forms of physical illness
or mental distress or distortions

A true healer does not think she is better than anyone -
because she understands that healing is everyone’s innate nature;
(Some may have mastered their skills better than the other)
A true healer understands the power of self healing through her healings;
A true healer not only has a kindness of an innocent child
but also the inner strength of a lion!
A true healer is a true warrior, a wounded warrior-
She, who has been wounded time after time
Yet, she has never lost her faith!

She has healed her inner child wounds -
by giving the love to herself even no one else does;
She has healed her own shadows and darkness-
by taming them instead of eliminating them;
She has healed her past hurts and heartbreaks-
by transmuting the energies from negative to positive, from heavier to lighter;
She has healed the suppressed and distorted divine feminine energy-
by honoring both the feminine and masculine energies within herself;
She has healed all the karmic wounds passed down from her ancestors-
by stopping all the old negative patterns at her place…
A true healer as she is will not hesitate to tell you:
Mediate on your soul solely!
(before body, mind and spirit are in total alignment)
Listen neither to your mind nor to your heart
Listen merely to the gentle whispers of your soul

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