Sunday, December 22, 2019

Journey Home

If I haven’t known-
the pain of abandonment
from my earthy parents
Would I have known you-
My divine mother?!

If I haven’t experienced –
the sorrow of unspoken loneliness
even among my crowds
Would I have longed for you-
My soul mate?!

If I haven’t felt-
the bitterness of separation
from my own fragmented soul
Would I have looked for you –
my spirit guides?!...

When the intuition was ignored,
I looked for the eternity from the mortals-
my failure was destined;
When the inner guidance was ignored,
I looked for the unconditional love-
from the conditioned man,
My disappointment was guaranteed;
I did not know any better, then.

What our human sense desires –
may be fulfilled by another human being;
What our higher soul desires –
yet can’t never be fulfilled by another human being
Because , "Human, all too human..."
as Nietzsche put it.

Here is my contemplation for the soon passing year:
All kinds of life journeys –
either successful or unsuccessful
 lead us to the journey back to one’s self in the end;
All forms of relationships –
either good or bad
serve us as transitory lessons to prepare us for
our ultimate relationship with
God/Buddha/Tao/Life force/Higher consciousness
Holy Spirit/Divine mother/Divine father
Whatever you call it;
Whatever you believe in your heart…

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year2020!

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