Friday, January 31, 2020

No more the Old Story of Tears

A woman came to me for help, she looked distressed and broken. 
Even though, she is well aware-
that she has been in a toxic and unbalanced relationship for years;
that she has not been loved or respected the way she deserves;
that she may never be able to change her man nor their relationship...
But still she holds tightly onto her old life- the only kind of life she has known…
‘Why?’ I questioned her.
“Why not?!’’ She tried to defend herself,
‘ We made our vow that we shall stay together through thick and thin;
we have such a long history together, it is not easy to restart a new life;
we have children and there are responsibilities;
I still love him- there is no love not painful…’’
(Who says that, woman, love is supposed to be painful?!
Loving is not painful but loving a wrong person is painful!)

It is interesting how we talk ourselves into things and also out of things;
It is interesting to observe how we speak to ourselves and about ourselves;
Who is there telling the story?
Who is there speaking really?
Is it your ego self or your higher self speaking?
Is it your 3D programmed mind or your divine mind speaking?
Is it your wounded inner child or your grownup version speaking?
Is it your distorted feminine energy or your unbalanced masculine energy speaking?
Is the voice from you or from your mother or your mother’s mother?...
So please tell me, who is there speaking to me right now?!

You may deceive others with your words;
You may even have yourself deceived;
But your energy can never lie–
which is constantly broadcasting to the entire universe
who you really are and the true story about you
despite what you say or portrait to the world otherwise…
Just like different radio wave lengths,
you pick up the signals of certain wave lengths
which you are attuned to, not more not less

(If you have been in attunement with certain wave length, certain vibration for longer period of time, you might get certain false sense of security and feel ‘home’ in that familiar delusional reality of your making. But this is not home for your soul. Your soul will always long for its journey home by raising its soul energy gradually- in order to return to God, to the source, to that ALL loving energy where it originates from. That is why, many souls from earthly realm are so distressed because of the inner conflicts between the soul and the body, between the spirit and the mind. This kind of distress and agony in souls can be expressed through different physical illness, even the total soul withdrawing its energy from its physical body which leads to death eventually or earlier death than planned.)

Everything is energy
Your words are energy
Your thoughts are energy
Your actions are energy
So be careful with what kind of energy you are attuned to-
you are manifesting it into existence as we speak in this very moment
with your words, with your thought, with your emotions…

Please keep yourself reminded, woman-
You will attract what you are, that is the law of attraction.
Your energy speaks louder than –
what you try to convince or portrait to the world otherwise

Please keep yourself reminded, woman-
that you are not here to do it right by the others
You are here solely to do it right by yourself
You belong to no one and no one belongs to you
You are not here to fulfill a relationship
You are here to fulfill yourself through relationships
Self love is not selfish, it is the foundation of healthy loving relationships!

So be like a diligent scientist-
examining your thought patterns and unhealed emotion triggers;
So be like a warrior woman-
Cutting through all the bullshits no matter how painful it is;
Be like a chain breaker-
Breaking the old cycles and paradigms which no longer serve your highest good
no matter how established how rooted it is…
Don’t ever underestimate the power of the ripple effect of a divine-inspired idea. It can penetrate the mountains, cross the oceans and seed into human consciousness for the right time to grow, to blossom, to express … So please seed wisely.

Dear heartbroken, I am not here to tell you to stay or to leave. If that is what you expected from me, I am afraid I have to disappoint you, that you need figure it out by listening to your inner voice; But in order to be able to hear your inner voice clearly, you need to establish close communication with your soul, by turning your attention to the external world into your own inner world; by giving yourself love and energy instead of needing energy being fed by others; by clearing the garbages from your energy field; by learning about your own emotional energy or mental energy etc.; by distinguishing which is your energy which is other's energy'received' by you…who knows,  if we shall meet again in the future, I hope you will tell me a different story of yours- not the old story of tears but a new story of love, joy and abundance……

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