Saturday, February 29, 2020

Coronavirus Fear


               Coronavirus is spreading cross the world, so is the fear. The coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan city has not only caused the shut down of the entire Wuhan city but also has affected the entire Hubei province with about 58 million population in many unimaginable ways, physically and even more painfully mentally. I have heard stories after stories about people who are associated with Hubei province, despite of they living in or outside of Hubei province have become the targets of harassments, discriminations and ill treatments like being discharged from their jobs; being refused to check in hotels; their kids being bullied in schools; being distanced by their relatives; being cursed evil; their dignities being tramped and reduced from a human being to a virus… It must be already hard enough for those people affected to deal with the severe impacts from the outbreaks of the virus upon their normal lives, but those kinds of behaviors or treatments with lacking of basic sympathy and compassion especially from one’s own fellow countrymen must be more devastating than the virus itself…

            Of course there is no way for me to validate the truthfulness of all the stories. But I know how things work in China and I also know too well of the psychological effects of fear on people- Chinese or not Chinese. It is almost ironic in a way: Within China people are paranoid towards Hubei people; Within Asian outside of China, people are paranoid towards all the people from China (There are already many ongoing outright anti-Chinese sentiment ’inspired’ by the Coronavirus in many Asian countries like Japan, South Korea etc., for example, some shops even putting up ‘No Chinese’ signs… Have people forgetten that most of we Asian descendants like Japanese, Koreans share the common ancestors- Han Chinese?!) I am not here to blame anyone, but to highlight the tragic reality what fear can do to people, even  those normal decent people. Thus, it is not so difficult to predict that soon the whole world will be paranoid not only towards all the Asian looking people but also towards each other…

           Looking back at the human history, what fear has done to us? What we have done to each other because of fear-annihilation of Jews? long time discrimination against black people? singling out certain ethnic groups?... Are we going to repeat the history and same behaviors over and over again? Are we humans so incapable of learning the lesson and overcoming those deep-seated fear related patterns?! When a fear strikes in, do we just let our biological fight-flight response taking over us or do we have some courage to look behind the fear? What is behind the fear monster really- traumatic memories from the past? distrust between each other? Or picking up some fearful vibes from the people around us? Or simply fearful for the fear itself?

             For me, the fear of losing my integrity or my humanity is much greater than the fear of any virus danger. Virus causes sickness in the physical body, while fear causes the longer-lasting-effect sickness in the mental body and even to the soul. As the greatest Chinese sage Laotzu says: ‘ There is no illusion greater than fear.’ Fear is NOT real, but it has become so real in the projections of human minds- those projections are based on our past experiences both individually and collectively. Unfortunately there were so many traumatized experiences being experienced in the human history due to the manipulations of the fear in one form or another, by sharing those common negative experiences, by validating each others’ fears, so its energy became so powerful and thus crystalized deeply in human’s psyche which make us experience the real fears... But illusion is illusion after all , illusion does not become more real just because of being validated by everyone; and it definitely doesn’t justify any fear-based wrongdoings or injustices in the past, because danger may be real but fear is a choice, always!

             Our bodies may tremble and shake in front of fear but our souls know nothing about fear. In the very very beginning, when the souls freewilled to participate this divine experiment in amnesiac 3D dimension even though the souls knew the risks of this experiment: amnesia from its own soul’s past, the downpulling of the heavier energies – it was warned that most of the 3D relationships and experiences were built to break and we were supposed to experience separation, loss, hurt and fear, yet that is not the purpose to break us but to push our souls to transcend- to seek for the unconditional love in HIM because what we have experienced otherwise; to seek for the ultimate peace and joy in HIM because what we have experienced otherwise; to seek for the unity and and the sense of belonging in HIM because what we have experienced otherwise… All those seemingly obstacles were there meant for the divine purpose of our soul evolutions- since we have used our free will out of the Source then by default we have to use our free will to find our way back to the Source … 

           But unfortunately our amnesiac and ignorant human minds seem incapable of conceiving this grand divine plan nor recognizing the purposeful soul connections, that is why we keep falling into negative patterns of feeling abandoned, alone and separated lifetime after lifetime and repeating the same vicious cycle over and over again. Even more so, we have become such experts in hurting each other and even the nature kingdoms which are supporting our experiment of soul evolution. We keep living our lives in fear and we keep destroying the connections rather than honoring them, to the point that we are in great danger of destroying our civilization and the world in which we live; We have been exploiting our mother earth to such a degree that the imbalance has reached such a critical point- disturbing signs are already everywhere like extreme weathers, floods, wild fire, heat waves and droughts etc.. and they will probably accelerate in unimaginable ways due to the the domino effects like more severe global pandemics or wars between countries due to the shortage of the natural resources etc.... By then, the imbalances of the natural kingdoms caused by human’s ignorant activities will force we humans to deal with not only more of the natural disasters but also more of the health issues like virus pandemics, cancers and bacteria mutation related diseases caused by unusual bird/bats immigrations, water/air contaminations, abuse of drugs and stressful way of living etc… Right now, the whole world is fearful for the Coronavirus,  but what if this is merely the beginnings of the domino effect scenarios?!

             How shall we humans live our lives? How shall we coexist with each other and with other sentient beings? The law of Karma encompasses cause and effect-an unbreakable law of the cosmos. In essence, everything we do creates a corresponding energy that come back to us in some form or another. We are here supposed to learn our lessons in order to forward our soul’s journey through working out some past karmas, personal karmas or even collective karmas. During those soul’s incarnations, we have created both good and bad karmas through our interactions with other souls, but also we humans have created the collective karmas with the natural kingdoms (incl. animals) which need to be worked out as well. As a Chinese decedent, I have witnessed and experienced earlier how we Chinese have mistreated animals in some ruthless manners. Many Chinese see animals simply as food instead of living beings. I believe those kinds of mentality with lacking of respect and compassion towards sentient beings will bring the bad karmas upon ourselves soon or later. Who knows, this outbreak of Coronavirus could be our karma?! I know that a hypothesis like this may bring me many criticism by the Chinese community. But the thing is that I don’t identify myself in that way: I am neither Chinese nor Swedish; I am neither this nor that; I am just an earthling who is inhibiting on the earth temporarily just like everyone else; and I am just a child of the Universe, a citizen of the Cosmos just like everyone else… Anyway this does not mean that only Chinese have created karmic debts with the animal kingdom, we all humans ever lived on the planet earth have attributed in one way or another to good or bad karma with each other, and also with the natural kingdoms. What we have done to our mother earth is not only done by Chinese, we all are in this together. 

            Plants, animals and everything on the earth are here for supporting we humans to grow evolutionary awareness that there is more to life than fear and pains, so should we humans for the plants, animals and everything on the earth. We ALL are here together, facing the challenges together. When the fear is shared with fear, the fear will be doubled; when the fear is share with compassion, the fear will be halved. Whenever facing the fear-based challenges, ask yourself honestly: “ What am I willing to give in to my fear- my integrity? my humanity? my soul?...’’ I like Osho’s beautiful saying: ‘ Don’t move the way fear make you move; Move the way love make you move; Move the way joy make you move.’ Now, we all are facing the fear of Coronavirus spreading, let us face the fear and take proper precautions and actions, but not let the fear grow out of propertion so we lose our compassion and humanity, because a human world without humanity is not worth living in anyway!  Of course we shall fight Coronavirus, fight the fear, fight the injustices and fight our shadow shelves- but there is no need to be hysterical or let fear grow out of proportion in our minds because after all we all want to live a happy and fulfilling life with less of fear and more of love. And because, Love knows NO fear while fear knows NO love...