Tuesday, March 31, 2020



       I am going to take some time to answer some of my readers’ questions. It is not possible for me to answer to everyone with every question. Names are anonymous here for the protection of privacy. I may answer your questions in a longer or a shorter fashion, which has nothing do with my opinion of the importance of the question, simply because I prefer to work with letting the words occurring to me in a more nature manner than a more forceful manner.  Sometimes maybe few words are more than enough, so why ‘painting some extra legs to a snake’, just for the sake of painting?! I don't want to do that.

Question:"...Recently I was called ‘Chinese virus’ by a man in a grocery shop due to my Asian look even though I have never lived in China. This incident made me very upset and even started to feel afraid to go out… it seems people filled with fear and hatred…”   

            I am sorry to hear about your incident. We all fear at times. Fear can bring out many negative and shadow sides even the worst within us. It seems that there is little we can change how the world is, how the people are. But at least there is much space to change our ways and reactions to the people and the world around us. Like the sun, though it doesn’t receive gratitude from us, but it shines on us anyway. Try to focus less on the darkness of the others but more on the light of yours; Try to focus less on re-living the past but more in the present…There is a well known Buddhist parable about two monks:

A senior monk and a junior monk were travelling together. At one point, they came to a river with a strong current. As the monk were preparing to cross the river, they saw a very young and beautiful woman also attempting to cross. The young woman asked if they could help her cross to the other side. The two monks glanced at one another because they had take vows not to touch a woman. Then, without a word, the older monk picked up the woman, carried her across the river, placed her gently on the other side, and carried on his journey. The younger monk could not believe what had just happened. After rejoining his companion, he was speechless, and a hour passed without a word between them. Two more hours passed, then three, finally the younger monk could not contain himself any longer, and blurted out ”As monks, we are not permitted to touch woman, how could you then carry that woman on your shoulders?’’ The older monk looked at him and replied‘Brother, I set her down on the other side of the river, why are you still carrying her? ’’

You see, it is time for you to put down that man who has upset you as well, why are you still carrying him around?! Putting down does not mean that you should be passively swallow and tolerant other’s bullshit. I highly respect Jesus’s teachings about compassion and non-violence, but ‘ turning the other cheek’ is not really my thing even though I understand his concern about our human’s ability of defending ourselves in certain justice manners without jeopardizing unnecessary negative karma upon ourselves…because for souls, karma is real thing. Whoever has done you wrong, whatever  the wrongdoings, big or small, are registered in his/her akashic soul records unmistakably and inescapably. Though I don't believe there is a wrathful God who will judge your deeds and sentence you to some horrifying hells to repent accordingly, it is more likely your own soul will be seeking for justice, to right the wrongs, in your next incarnation, or the one after and after. Your soul would like to be incarnated in a position of being bullied in this case, so enable the lesson to be learned by feeling and understanding what is like to be bullied in order to balance out the karmic scales…So please have some faith, even though you don’t see the immediate justice done at this very moment, but believe in your soul that justice will be served always , in one form or another!

So ‘turning the other cheek’ if you feel like; So stand up and defend yourself if you feel like, but don't seek revenge. Keep your karma clean, let the Universe balance out those energies... Whatever it has happened, or could have, should have or shouldn't have happened are the past tenses now, so it is time for you to let it go just like that senior monk- when it is done, leave it be done!

Question: "...I think I am having middle age crisis right now. I feel that I have not accomplished anything, not specially successful in my career, not have enough money in my bank account… my life seems so ordinary and insignificant comparing to others …it is very depressing…”

               What is the success to you- money? wealth? status? a happy family? good friends?...  For some, having one is enough to make them feel successful and satisfied; For others, having it all is not enough to make them feel successful and satisfied. So what is your idea of success? And are you sure that is really your own idea? You see, how illusory those are already in comparison with one another, which indicates there is no definite definition of success,  All the thoughts, ideas, concepts belong to the mental world, they come and go like the passing clouds. Unfortunately, today most people live in their mind due to the one-sided promotions of mental ability in almost all the established school systems. Those ideas become crystalized and solidified by the mental projections from our minds through exercising the constant competitions, comparisons and giving each other the validations, so they appear so real to our ego mind, but they are nothing but purely rubbish and delusional to our souls. Your soul did not come here for the purpose of being successful, of being rich and famous, because it knows too well how all the glamour, all the fame and all the successes are nothing but mirages in the moment of physical death, even the greatness of leaving one’s name in the history book means nothing to your soul! Because your soul doesn't bond to the earthly, three dimensional exsitence, it is your physical body together with your ego mind is bonded to this 'reality' as the only reality you have known ,your soul knows the truth, so are the other souls - 'we are neither our mind or our success''. But of course the game goes on as long as ego goes on, but you don't have to play along with the game! Measure your success not by what it may look to the others nor what the others may expect of you but solely by how happy and how free you feel... Because, in the end your soul concerns only for its authentic experiences and expressions through its physical vessel – good or bad, success or failure all has its experimental value to your soul’s journey! So stop listening to the outer world there how you should be successful(3D concepts) instead of listening to the deep calling of your soul before it is too late- you are here simply for some rides, so do enjoy the rides!