Tuesday, June 30, 2020


  The Spirit whispers to my soul:
‘‘Without speaking a word,
I have loved you.
I alone can truly say ‘I Love you’;
For I loved you before you were born;
My love gives you life and sustains you after the gates of death imprison you where none, 
none even your greatest human love, can reach you…’’ 

Once she was a little wonderous girl-
filled with the care-free innocence and imaginations
She danced to the rhythm of rain drops;
She whispered her secrets to the natural spirits and fairies;
She walked on the wilder fields barefoot collecting her favorite daisies;
She was too excited to notice the cuts on her legs by those high grasses and thorns;
Because in her mind,
She saw the happiness she was going to bring upon her beloved…
Little did she know about the worldliness of men –
Her daisies were not made of gold-
but of the wilderness of the sun and moon, 
of the wind and rain...
Those worldly and sophisticated men
(though they possessed eyes)
could neither see the beauty in her daisies
Nor could they see the beauty in her heart- 
which was made of real gold...

Once she was a young innocent lady-
filled with beautiful dreams for her future and humanity
She saw the goodness in everyone and everything
She was a natural giver and it made her happy when she could give
So she just kept giving, and giving and giving-
her blood was sucked till the last drop
her bones were chewed till the last crack
She felt being discarded like a piece of garbage
because she had nothing more left to give in the end
Little did she understand the shadows of mankind-
no one would respect her boundaries if she couldn't herself;
no one could make her feel loved if she couldn't herself...

You may say,
This is how life is -Full of light yet full of darkness;
You may say,
This is how people are- full of beauty yet full of ‘bullshit’;
You may say,
This is how things have always been and will be…
But, what are you going to do about it?
Do you want to contribute more light or more darkness to the world?
Do you want to contribute more beauty or more ugliness to the mankind?

She could have chosen hatred and vengeance-
but she knew her soul would be burdened with more karmic debts
even though she may draw some momentary satisfactions from her revenge;
She could have chosen hatred and anger-
but she knew then her heart would be left with less space for love and joy;
She could have chosen self-pity victimhood-
blaming circumstances and others for her misfortunes and failures
but she knew that her willpower would be weakened and her integrity had to be sacrified;
She could have chosen easier or more beneficial way out
but she knew that she would have to dim that divine light within her soul…

So she could NOT have chosen any way other than to surrender to the Spirit
Because she knew too well deep in her soul-
the old and wise soul of hers had known the Spirit for eons 
"My dear child, eventually,
What is made of the matter disolves back to the matter
What is made of the Spirit unites back with the Spirit
You know who you really are...
I have been always with you since the dawn of time
I have never left you or forgotten about you
It was you who have forgotten about me at times
when you got carried away by my manifestations in matters
Whatever happened was not to you but for you
It was never meant to hurt you or punish you
but to awake and to fire up the ultimate desire within you-
to seek for me, to long for me, to come back to me...''

What kind of love is that, so unconditional and so unfading with-stand-of-the-time?!
She had seeked and failed over and over again with the fleeting nature of human love 
just to enable her to find her ultimate fulfillment with the Spirit alone...
She had no choice but to surrender-
all her fears and egos, and all her heart and soul to the Spirit-
the All Seeing, the All knowing Spirit throbbing in every living beings
and in every human heart including her own...
She felt like being given a new life, a lighter version
She felt like a small child again, filled with hopes and dreams  
Night after night,
She no longer dreamed about those dreadful and unfullfilled dreams
but those beautiful dreams-she was wearing the most beautiful daisies on her head
dancing the beautiful eternal dance with the Spirit....

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