Thursday, August 27, 2020

Weekend Free Verses




Into the deep forest I went

I faced the dangers of snakes and lions

In order to find-

the ancient hidden treasures


Into the deep darkness I dived

I risked of losing my mind

In order to discover -

the eternal light within my heart


Into the veil of life and death I surrendered

I witnessed my own death (my old self)

In order to retrieval

all the lost pieces of my soul….





People, why are you celebrating your richness?

Don’t you see such a poverty in your soul?!


People, why are spending so much time in

 making your face fresh and pretty?

Don’t you see how dusty and ugly 

your inner soul face has become?!


People, why are you liking this one 

and hating another one?

Don’t you understand-

an enemy of this lifetime of yours could be

a family member of yours in another lifetime?!


People, why are you holding on so tightly

to things and people?

Today is soon becoming yesterday

Yesterdays are soon become the past memories…


In the blink of an eye,

The life you have known will be gone

The things you have accumulated will be worthless

The people you have been holding onto 

will not be there with you…

It will be only YOU standing nakedly facing your soul

It will be only YOU answering to your own soul

What are you going to say to your soul then ?….