Thursday, December 31, 2020

Winter Solstice Contemplations



When people say –

‘I want truth’

Seldom they really mean that

but the ‘truth’ to their conveniences


When people say-

‘I want abundance’

Seldom they really mean that

but something more like lottery winning overnight


When people say-

‘I want healing’

Seldom they really mean that

but the miracles somehow fallen upon them

with little healing work required of themselves


When people say-

‘I want happiness’

Seldom they really mean that

but the appearances of happiness in other’s eyes


When people no longer say what they really mean

When people no longer mean what they say

When authenticity has become foolishness

When kindness has become weakness

When love has become commodity

When even being happy has become guilty-

How dare you to be happy there-

while we are miserable and unhappy here…?!

So please say no more

just stay with me -

in this perfect silence of winter solstice ...



            Life can be hard at times. Sometimes we can get caught up with negative emotions and difficult situations and we feel sorry for ourselves.

           ‘If I had come from a better, a more loving and more prosperous family, my life would have been so much easier, instead I have to struggle constantly with my childhood wounds and inner demons…’

         ‘If I have a better paid job, if I have a nicer boss, I would be more successful and much happier…’

        ‘If my friends had not stabbed my back and betrayed me, I would not have those trust issues towards people…’

        ‘If I haven’t been so damaged from my previous failed relationship, I would be a better girlfriend or a better husband or a better father/mother…’...

         Of course it is only human and natural that we fall into a self pity place from time to time, but to indulge in such a victim mode for too long time, it will become part of our identity. Whatever we constantly feed to our mind, we are becoming just that…

         As all the souls were standing before the gate of earth realm before their incarnations. Love and freewill were granted for each soul to choose its own path-

        Or choosing an ‘adventure ride’ just for the purpose of some physical experiences(Popular among those young souls or the new earthly incarnated souls);

        Or choosing a ‘classic karma’ to work out some karma with people from one particular previous life;

        Or choosing a more ambitious ‘super program’- which can be super challenging yet super rewarding as well. It means during a soul’s one lifetime on earth, a soul will be facing a lot of challenges, blocks and resistances but ‘designed’ or ‘chosen’ by its own soul-As Aeschylus says: ‘Wisdom comes along through suffering'- the purpose of those temporary sufferings is not meant to hurt the soul but to enable it to gain the knowledge and wisdom to break its earthly karma and to break the chains of those old negative cycles and patterns which may have plagued not only its own soul ascension but also its soul family's ascension in different negative ways (we often call them as ancestral curses)…  Nevertheless, this path is not for every soul, because the multitudes of a soul's transformation within one lifetime-literally you have to shed your old skins and witness the 'death' of your old self before the new self is possible to be reborn which can even be overwhelming even for those old souls.

         As Buddha teaches, ’’Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice.’’  So seen from a soul journey perspective. There is no such a thing as a victim, to be a victim is a choice! All was done with the free will of the soul and all will be done with the same freewill of the soul. Even at times we may feel like a victim and be a victim in certain situations, but it is never meant to remain so. We don’t like to be told that ‘ You are at the exact place where you are supposed to be…’ no matter how cheesy it may sound, we are at the exact place where we are supposed to be! For me personally, I could make the peace with myself when I finally accept the people and things as they are- there is always part of my role to play, but more than that, I can't do; and I could release those sadness and resentments when I finally could accept in my heart that truly the things were not done to me but for me…

         And please judge Not! We all have chosen our path, for the purpose of our soul’s journey, to experience, to learn, to grow for the further ascension according to our soul’s desires and freewill. One path is not better than another, but whatever path we have chosen, we have to walk through it, in one way or another, in one lifetime or thousands of lifetimes!

        The year 2020 has been a tough year for many of us. But even in the mist of all the chaos and darkness, we have to keep our faith that this horrible Corona may somehow have served us in some ways -  that we are forced to brake, to pause, to reflect on our life and the life around us; to start to question our ways of living and how our ways of living have impacted on each other and the environments like the air, the water, the forest etc. and the earth we call it home… after all, all the outer world is merely the reflections of our inner world- when our inner world is chaotic, our outer world can't be anything else other than chaotic;  only when our inner world shifts, that experience of our outer world will be shifted accordingly…There will be always forces and influences from the people or the circumstance trying to take this 'inner divine and fearless' power from us, so at least let us not to do that to ourselves and let us stop ‘warring’ with our own soul- what we perceive is not always how our soul perceive; what we want is not always what our soul ‘want’… maybe the real truth is that we are not the victims here but our own souls being constantly sacrificed to our endless ego and our endless material desires!

         Look up at the moon, my friend. As the moon wanes and waxes- Or quarter, or crescent, or full… each phrase has its beauty. So is with life- each taste has its richness and each season has its own purpose and its blessing even being disguised at times. So just ride along with the waves of life and enjoy the rides - all is well …

Happy New Year 2021 to All of you!🙏