Sunday, October 31, 2021

A beautiful autumn afternoon


Deceive not-

By how I look or

where I come from  

Deceive not yourself either-

By what you wear or

how many languages you can speak


We ALL are here-

with the different karmic or non-karmic reasons

with the different choices of costumes and rolls

Yet we ALL are here playing the same game-

the great game so called ‘ human life’!


If you take a first glimpse of me-

You may see only a stranger, with all kinds of odds and differences from yours;

If you take another look at me-

You may no longer see a stranger, because you see that my blood is as red as yours;

If you take another closer look at me-

You may see a friend there, the earth can be a lonely place,

you may need a friend and so do I…

If you take an even deeper look through my eyes into my soul-

You may recognize me, that I am your soul sister/brother and you are mine…


As the autumn sun is cozying through my cheeks

As the rich hues of the autumn leaves are feasting my eyes

As the crispy tones and chippings from the unknown birds are indulging my ears

As the little muddy yet fertile ground is mothering my feet nurturing my physical vessel

As a stranger walking passing by is giving me a kind smile without any special reason

and his dog is leading the way sniffing around happily and playfully …

At this very moment,

Every bits and pieces, in its own way

Every different hues and ingredients, in its own fashion

has contributed directly or indirectly to -

Such a perfect beautiful autumn afternoon…




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