Monday, February 28, 2022

the Story of a Little soul

              As a beloved child of the Almighty God, a little soul (I will address it as ‘she’ here just for its gender simplification) was living in an ultimate state of blissfulness and being nurtured, protected by the eternal divine love… She was such a joyful, creative soul and she loved playing with her soul brothers and sisters. Wherever she went, there was much joy and laughs and she was dearly loved and cared by all… For eons time she was in her peace and contentment from that blissfulness, that godly perfection, nothing less of perfection was experienced in her consciousness yet until one day out of blue, an idea came to her and started to grow bigger and bugging her more and more. In the end she could not contain the stirred feeling inside her, so she went to her beloved mother/father God for help.

          ‘My dear mother/father God, you are the creator of all the heavens and universes, and you are the all-perfect and all-powerful God Almighty. Since I am your beloved child, I am made perfect in your image as well and everything inside and outside of me cannot be anything else but perfect right? But, if I am already perfect as I am, why am I feeling some kind of uneasiness and discontentment arisen within me right now? ’ questioned the little soul.

          ‘My beloved child, you will be always perfect in my eye!’ smiled God, ‘You soul have just grown and matured more. Otherwise you would not have come to you with this question- this is known as the ‘Divine discontentment’, which it is quite normal phenomenon at a more matured stage of soul evolution of my children’’.

          ‘But, you just told me that I am perfect, we are perfect. Why do our souls need to evolve more?’ the Little soul felt confused.

         ‘ We are perfect as we are. But at the same time, God is not a constant concept- that is human’s idea of God. God is forever evolving and expanding consciousness-there was no limit or end to a God consciousness- here again, it is a human idea that when a thing reaches its perfection, there is no more room for improvement or expansion.’

          ‘Ok, tell me more about the human life!’ the little soul felt sense of excitement. She had heard about the stories about her soul brothers and sisters choosing to incarnate into physical forms, especially popular with the human forms…

        ‘As I have told you that we are perfect as we are. But there is a DIFFERENCE between just being in our perfection and knowing our own perfection!’ God paused trying to use a few simpler words to explain something immensely complicated to his lovely Little soul, ‘ As you are my children, you all are blessed with this divine perfection. While you are at your heavenly home, you are just naturally living in your perfection because our heavenly home is a home of unity consciousness, of the oneness- there is nothing outside of the perfection and the Oneness. But in order to know your own perfection objectively, you will be needing a mirror, a reference point. For example, you are living in perfection,  but you may not know you are living in your perfection, it is like the bliss of ignorance. So once you have experienced the imperfection, you will have a new intimate knowing of your own perfection…’

          The little soul did not understand everything God said to her but she listened attentively because she loved and trusted her mother/father God with her whole soul and she knew that her mother/father God has immeasurable wisdom. God continued, ‘When my children like yourself grow out of your infant stage, your soul will naturally grow into a ‘ teenage stage ‘which marks with the sense of divine discontentment like what you have described to me, which will make you feel a bit restless desiring and seeking some kind of soul adventure in order to reach to a place like ME, a real God/Goddess who knows the totality of one’s Self- the Great Spirit in an very intimate way!’

           God paused in silence before he continued, HIS etheric face seemed to change into a more of seriousness, ‘But, my dear child, know, this kind of journey is not without risk! When you choose to incarnate to a human body,  you can’t bring along with your entire soul with you because this pure and godly soul energy is too strong and too powerful for a localized human body to contain, so you only take a piece of your soul with you to the earth realm…which can be very tricky at times. For a new soul as well as for old souls(they often carry more karmic baggage), it can be quite disoriented for any free soul being forced into certain regulated family rules and social norms, especially those souls chose intentionally to birth into a toxic family to help or to work out some past karma can be extremely challenging at times! Many of your brothers and sisters have left home long ago, but they have not returned. It is not Me who judge them it is often their own human mind are placing judgement upon themselves…’

            The little soul knew this is very important message from her mother/father God, she tried to take as much as you could into her soul memory, she had a strong feeling that this information can be very critical for her home returning one day. God spoke again, ‘So this piece of godly soul is hidden under the chamber of your heart. If you don’t want to forget about who you really are and where your real home is, in the mist of incarnation forgetfulness and disorientations and even more more human dramas, you need to constantly reconnect with your heart, and from the chamber of your heart, there you will be hearing the voice of your voice if you learn how to calm and master your human senses… Remember, my child,  don't forget to feed self love and attention to your own heart and soul no matter how dark it gets for you at times, because that piece of soul hidden in your heart chamber will be your home away from home and will lead you back to me one day ... Remember, who you really are, my child; Remember to raise your spiritual sight over your human sight because things are not always what they seem...Remember, sometimes your seemingly human failure could be the blessings in disguise; Remember, sometimes your brothers or sisters may 'play' a role as your enemy in order to serve your awareness or awakening... after all everything and everyone you encounter is your own reflection of who you are - so you can know your Self as me as God.. .' God uttered lovingly and gently.

         ‘I promise, I'll remember that! I'll remember who I am! And I'll remember you and my real home…’ the little soul could not help but to repeat her promises trying to ensure her loving and concerning mother/father God but in the meantime she was unaware the gravity of those promises and how difficult it would be to fulfill them!! For the very first time, her consciousness felt sense of uncomfortable sadness before she leaving her beloved mother/father God, her heavenly home and companions...the rest is the history.  Looking back at all her earthly incarnations -she loved and been loved; she hated and been hated,  she played victims and she played aggressors; she played women and she played men, and she had her moments of joy and she had her moments of sorrow, and her hearts had been broken and healed yet she has always had a deep knowing inside her despite of her human ego mind trying to convince her otherwise: there is a Big secret hidden under her heart chamber waiting to be revealed … Today might be the day, she thought to herself. She could no longer ignore the voice inside because it has become louder and louder! Indeed, how long have I been on this journey? How long and how far have I been journey away from Home? How many lifetimes have I repeated the same shit lesson? And how she felt over and over again the desperation of alienation and loneliness as if her home is somewhere else in the distant stars… and indeed it is! By now, she has known too well the drama of the world, and the drama of herself, so just like that out of blue, she decided NOT to play her human drama anymore! Upon that awareness of hers, she knew that finally she answered the call of her soul and she knew this will be her last life because she is going HOME…

           Back to today. A war in 2022? It is unbelievable and unacceptable!!!  As my heart and prayers go to the all the people who are suffering from this war, I am saddened by the very fact of the history is repeating itself again! the same kind of drama is being replayed under our eyes again! Do we humans ever learn from our past mistakes?! We are like the hamsters on the wheels keeping running yet not getting anywhere except repeating the same cycle over and over again?! No matter which side you think you are standing right now, we are actually standing on the same side- we all are brothers and sisters! The little soul is inside me as well as inside you; the story of the little soul can be my story as well as yours, if you choose so.

            There maybe some souls who have lost more their ways; there maybe some souls who want to play the drama little longer; they may appear opposite to us, even enemy to us in our human drama playing, but in spirit realm, we all brothers and sisters! I am not here to tell you either to fight or not to fight, the choice shall NOT be manipulated by any man’s egoistic agendas, the choice shall be made by each individual soul- if the soul decides to lay down its physical body in order to know its own love and compassion in such an ‘intimate’ manner, so be it!

          So before you deciding to hurt, to kill, to take the revenge on someone, think twice! Seek NOT justice in terms of your mind but your heart! Because, this world is made of so many rules and laws yet so many of injustices and unfairness. So you may buy your way out with money, or power, or simply getting lucky… but there is no single soul in the universe can trick its way out of the divine justice: the law of the cause& effect’- what goes around comes around indeed! So before you doing anything bad, don’t check with your mind, check with your heart/soul- you heart knows better and your soul knows ever better! You may not be able to save anyone, or save the world, at lease you can try to save your heart; you may never become a hero in the eyes of other humans, at least you can try to be your own hero, in the ‘eyes’ of your own soul…

       As we know, pain and suffering are greatly feared by we humans because our intense attachments to our physical sensory experiences. Yet, there is certain spiritual value in our experiences of pain and sufferings. Not only because we humans tend to learn our lessons better through them, but also they can ignite some of the divine seeds buried and forgotten in human souls like compassion, understanding and forgiveness… this is not always easy because often our ego stands in the way but nevertheless, even the pain and suffering can be served as an opportunity of soul awakenings and soul remembrance of who we really are, and what we are to one another!

     Remember the little soul before she left her heavenly home for the first time, how exciting she was about becoming a human being, to be able to walk, talk, to dance, to sing, to touch, to feel and to experience, to explore her own consciousness in such intimate ways with the other human beings?!… Since when we humans have become so dull and so insensitive to all the beauty, all the abundances and all the blessings around us…Life is a gift, so is with our human life!So live deeply!  We don’t have time to hate, to kill, to hurt each other; we don’t even know if we still will be here tomorrow; so let’s use the little bit time left to love each other, to bring joy instead of sorrow or pain to each other… don’t we all have had that enough?!!!

      We don’t have to wait until crossing the veil to the other side to hug each other, to hold each other’s hand in our spirit forms... Why can we do that already now- Isn't that a much better idea than to war with each other?! Let’s go out together smelling some roses or hugging some trees; let’s walk together bare feet on the newly rained grass playing chasing; let’s sing and dance together under the beautiful moonlight; let’s sit shoulder to shoulder feeling the caressing of the sunrays and enjoying each other's company in silence; let’s just take a deep breath feeling the gratitude of simply being alive and looking at each other’s eyes deeply reminding who we really are and what we are meant to each other in the depth of our souls…💗


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