Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Like a fish is swimming in the sea



Like a fish is swimming in the sea

Yet, unaware of

its life is supported-

by the very water


Like an eager is soaring in the sky

Yet, unaware of

its wings are supported-

by the very air


Like a man is living in his foolishness -

seeking for his flesh pleasures and worldly glamours

Like a man is living in his ignorance-

believing that he is even above the force of nature-

                                due to some of his scientific and technological achievements ...

Yet, unaware of 

his very foolishness and ignorance

(his choice of adventures/experiments)

are still being supported 

by the Divine love...

''...My child,

Whatever you choose for your life

is fine with me

Such is my love for you -

unconditional and eternal...

But my child,

 whatever you have chosen

whatever you have created,

you have to experience -

just that!

Such is my love for you as well-

even though you often fail to recognize it ...''

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