Monday, May 28, 2018


As God desires,
Universe is manifested forth;

As man desires,
The world of man is actualized

As I desired,
I came to existence

As you are desired,
You came to my reality

Behold the fire of your desire,
speak many men of this world-
Desire is the engine of all the human’s achievements

Behold the fire of desire,
say many spiritual gurus-
Desire is the root cause of the human’s corruptions

Behold the fire of desire,
says a truly wise man-
Desire is neither good nor bad
It fires up passion and creativity, with the right mind
It reduces a man to ashes, with the wrong mind

The problem is NOT we desire
The problem is we have lost ourselves in the desires

The mistake is NOT that I love you
The mistake is I have lost my self 
in loving you

Thursday, April 26, 2018

One in All, All in One

While good health has one form only

Evils may come in with different shapes,
While love has the shape of heart only

Darkness may conceal within different shades,
While light knows how to shine through only

The foolish and the wicked -
are busy with how to have their names 
written in history book

While the integral beings -
Care little about their names in the other's eyes
but their own sincerity and their inner self 's calling
they all are so different yet so alike
reflecting each other in such a perfect harmony
as ONE in ALL,

Looking into your eyes,
I see the luminous light welling up
But, how can you have not seen-
your own light?!

Looking deep within my self ,
I see the very soul of mine is -
nothing less but of a divine gift.
But, what have I done so far-
to honor such a blessing?!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Joy of a Different Place

  ‘ When she finds joy and wonder in every little thing, joy and wonder will always find her.’
-          Katrina Mayer

 Look at this baby-
who is smiling at you
your heart starts to melt –
into that innocence and that pureness
like snow melting in the early spring sun…

Look at that man-
who is smiling at you
his smile may be sweet and sophisticated,
you may even smile back at him 
but you will keep your heart guarded carefully,
You both are playing a game 
because of your inner knowing :
the smiles can come from different places-
or from a real place of the soul;
or from a fake place of the masked ego…

A child is joyful-
his joy comes from a place of innocence;
A fool is joyful-
his joy comes from a place of ignorance;
A man is still joyful-
 after being wronged by others many times,
his joy comes from a place of his compassion;
A man is still joyful -
after all the heartbreaks and tribulations-
his joy comes from a place of his inner strength…

Joy to joy can be of different depths;
Man to man can be of worlds apart,
but to a fool,

they are all the same


Tuesday, February 27, 2018


As soon as you try to vocalize
the magnificent Northern lights,
You are missing-

As soon as you intellectualize your life
as a mere physical existence,
You are missing-

As soon as you need reasons
to love,
You are missing-

As soon as you feel compelled
to define or debate about your God,
You are missing-

Friday, January 26, 2018

Just Surviving

Before I met you,
Love was just words.

Before I knew my Self,
I was just an imitator.

Before I understood life,
I was just surviving.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Half Full Glass

There are some-
 who rejoice for their still half full glasses
Weeping or rejoicing -
has nothing to do with the fullness in the glass
but it has everything to do-
 with the minds behind the glasses...  

Winter goes and comes.
It is a Christmas again.
You came to me in tears-
Last Christmas he was still with you
 and this year he is no more…
All the sweet promises seem to have disappeared-
 in the cold wind without any traces;
You are left with nothing 
but those unfulfilled dreams and a broken heart;
And you say,
you would never be happy again without him …

Time can heal everything, my friend.
Sun is still rising, with or without him;
Moon is still shining, with or without him;
Earth is still rotating, with or without him;
Your happiness has nothing to do with him,
or anybody or anything;
but has everything to do with how you CHOOSE to feel!

 So please my friend,
why settle for the crumbs of love from the others
if you yourself can be the source of all the love you desire;
why cry over a withering bush
if you still have a whole garden to attend ;
When your garden is-
 filled with blossoming flowers and sweet fragrance,
what's the need even to worry about-
 if there are enough bees around?! ...

So please my dear friend,
Let's choose love over hatred
even our glasses are only half full ;
Let's choose joy over sadness,
even our glasses are completely empty; 
Because who knows,
now the room which has been freed up -
can fill up with something even better and greater

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Love and Hate

Oh, how much I have hated my parents-
for their worldly shrewdness;
for having us carry over their own desires and guilt;
We were lost all together like blind led by the blind…
Yet, how much I love my parents-
for having the opportunity to manifest my life through them;
for having shared their sufferings and ignorance-
so to kindle my desire of wanting to be freed from -
the sufferings and ignorance...

Oh, how much I have hated this body of mine -
for its vulnerability and its limitations
for the disbelief of such a greatness,
such an intelligence dwelling in a such poverty …
Yet, how much I love this body of mine –
for my ears can hear the songs echoing within the deep forest;
for my feet can feel the tickles of the sand, the caressing of the sea;
for my face can sense the warm glow from the first ray of the morning sun;
for my heart can throb the beautiful melodies
when you take me into your arms…

Oh, how much I have hated this world-
for its hypocrisy and its unfairness;
for its greediness and its unconsciousness-
People die as if they have never lived;
People live as if they have never died…
Yet, how much I love this world-
for the small dewdrops glittering in the sunlight beautifully;
for the maple leaves turning into flamingo red magically;
for the delicious smell of newly brewed coffee filling up my room slowly;
for the good laughs with those dear friends of mine;
for the small kindness shown by some passing-by strangers;
for the desire of seeing your sweet smile
as soon as I open my eyes in the morning…

Oh, how silly of me-
have spent years in loving this and hating that;
then again, how silly of me -
have spent years at war with myself for loving this and hate that!
Oh, how silly of me-
for not understanding both my love and my hate 
are of the same ONE energy within me!

Whenever I deny my hate,
I deny my love as well;
Whenever I deny the intensity of my hate,
I deny the intensity of my love as well…
Those weak people-
who neither dare to love nor to hate,
so they love lightly and hate lightly;
Those passionate souls-
who can neither love lightly nor hate lightly ,
whatever they do they do with their intensity-
they can't be any other way.

One can only love/hate as one's energy allows;
Energy has to be expressed by moving-
(standing still leads to stagnation)
Or moving from love to hate,
Or moving from hate to love …
One has to take the full responsibility
for one's energy manifestation-
or moving little closer towards love, joy and light;
or moving little closer towards hate, suffering and darkness;
There is no such a thing as victim of the outer forces 
but there is everything to do with one's own making here...

As were repeated in my dreams,
I watched my self leaving my body -
soaring through the endless clouds in the sky;
venturing into the dangerous uncharted seas;
standing on the mountain tops laughing loudly-
at the drama plays of my chosen;
at this whole absurdity of separation 
between love and hate!
