Thursday, December 31, 2020

Winter Solstice Contemplations



When people say –

‘I want truth’

Seldom they really mean that

but the ‘truth’ to their conveniences


When people say-

‘I want abundance’

Seldom they really mean that

but something more like lottery winning overnight


When people say-

‘I want healing’

Seldom they really mean that

but the miracles somehow fallen upon them

with little healing work required of themselves


When people say-

‘I want happiness’

Seldom they really mean that

but the appearances of happiness in other’s eyes


When people no longer say what they really mean

When people no longer mean what they say

When authenticity has become foolishness

When kindness has become weakness

When love has become commodity

When even being happy has become guilty-

How dare you to be happy there-

while we are miserable and unhappy here…?!

So please say no more

just stay with me -

in this perfect silence of winter solstice ...



            Life can be hard at times. Sometimes we can get caught up with negative emotions and difficult situations and we feel sorry for ourselves.

           ‘If I had come from a better, a more loving and more prosperous family, my life would have been so much easier, instead I have to struggle constantly with my childhood wounds and inner demons…’

         ‘If I have a better paid job, if I have a nicer boss, I would be more successful and much happier…’

        ‘If my friends had not stabbed my back and betrayed me, I would not have those trust issues towards people…’

        ‘If I haven’t been so damaged from my previous failed relationship, I would be a better girlfriend or a better husband or a better father/mother…’...

         Of course it is only human and natural that we fall into a self pity place from time to time, but to indulge in such a victim mode for too long time, it will become part of our identity. Whatever we constantly feed to our mind, we are becoming just that…

         As all the souls were standing before the gate of earth realm before their incarnations. Love and freewill were granted for each soul to choose its own path-

        Or choosing an ‘adventure ride’ just for the purpose of some physical experiences(Popular among those young souls or the new earthly incarnated souls);

        Or choosing a ‘classic karma’ to work out some karma with people from one particular previous life;

        Or choosing a more ambitious ‘super program’- which can be super challenging yet super rewarding as well. It means during a soul’s one lifetime on earth, a soul will be facing a lot of challenges, blocks and resistances but ‘designed’ or ‘chosen’ by its own soul-As Aeschylus says: ‘Wisdom comes along through suffering'- the purpose of those temporary sufferings is not meant to hurt the soul but to enable it to gain the knowledge and wisdom to break its earthly karma and to break the chains of those old negative cycles and patterns which may have plagued not only its own soul ascension but also its soul family's ascension in different negative ways (we often call them as ancestral curses)…  Nevertheless, this path is not for every soul, because the multitudes of a soul's transformation within one lifetime-literally you have to shed your old skins and witness the 'death' of your old self before the new self is possible to be reborn which can even be overwhelming even for those old souls.

         As Buddha teaches, ’’Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice.’’  So seen from a soul journey perspective. There is no such a thing as a victim, to be a victim is a choice! All was done with the free will of the soul and all will be done with the same freewill of the soul. Even at times we may feel like a victim and be a victim in certain situations, but it is never meant to remain so. We don’t like to be told that ‘ You are at the exact place where you are supposed to be…’ no matter how cheesy it may sound, we are at the exact place where we are supposed to be! For me personally, I could make the peace with myself when I finally accept the people and things as they are- there is always part of my role to play, but more than that, I can't do; and I could release those sadness and resentments when I finally could accept in my heart that truly the things were not done to me but for me…

         And please judge Not! We all have chosen our path, for the purpose of our soul’s journey, to experience, to learn, to grow for the further ascension according to our soul’s desires and freewill. One path is not better than another, but whatever path we have chosen, we have to walk through it, in one way or another, in one lifetime or thousands of lifetimes!

        The year 2020 has been a tough year for many of us. But even in the mist of all the chaos and darkness, we have to keep our faith that this horrible Corona may somehow have served us in some ways -  that we are forced to brake, to pause, to reflect on our life and the life around us; to start to question our ways of living and how our ways of living have impacted on each other and the environments like the air, the water, the forest etc. and the earth we call it home… after all, all the outer world is merely the reflections of our inner world- when our inner world is chaotic, our outer world can't be anything else other than chaotic;  only when our inner world shifts, that experience of our outer world will be shifted accordingly…There will be always forces and influences from the people or the circumstance trying to take this 'inner divine and fearless' power from us, so at least let us not to do that to ourselves and let us stop ‘warring’ with our own soul- what we perceive is not always how our soul perceive; what we want is not always what our soul ‘want’… maybe the real truth is that we are not the victims here but our own souls being constantly sacrificed to our endless ego and our endless material desires!

         Look up at the moon, my friend. As the moon wanes and waxes- Or quarter, or crescent, or full… each phrase has its beauty. So is with life- each taste has its richness and each season has its own purpose and its blessing even being disguised at times. So just ride along with the waves of life and enjoy the rides - all is well …

Happy New Year 2021 to All of you!🙏



Monday, November 30, 2020

Just to realize...


Travelled to the far and exotic lands

looking for a home 

a place of belonging

So I have travelled far enough,

Just to realize-

Home is  already -

where my heart is


Broken  into thousand pieces

Or for someone's muse

 or someone's  acceptance

So I have been broken enough

Just to realize-

I was never meant to fit in

In the first place


Bounded  by the endless  morals

 and desires of this world-

So I  have become tired enough 

Just to realize-

My spirit can never be bounded-

because it is not of this world

and it is forever free

Bewildered by this ancient soul  caged in-

 a childlike  body of mine long enough

Just to realize -

I am NOT this body

Though I am here struggling-

to be a human being 

My soul knows  the ancient story of me-

beyond this body  

beyond this lifetime

beyond any notion from any man

or good or bad

Because I  am-

different from those notions

in a million different ways...


Saturday, October 31, 2020

Sweet Lilac



When the sun sets on the horizon

Instead of holding onto its divinely glory

It humbles away for the rising of

the moon


When the autumn leaves hit the muddy ground

Instead of weeping for their falling from the tree

They kiss their love to

the earth


In this vast universe

In this time and space

We meet

Our souls meet

Our human minds may categorize it-

according to our human social standards

Our souls know yet its sacredness-

in its depth rather than in its length

But, Instead of nurturing and loving each other

Instead of honoring and celebrating each other

What have we done to each other?!


In the end of our time

Everything of this world will die and fade away

Except the undying memories of love-

will be forever engraved into our souls-

how our fate was crossed once

how my eyes met with yours

how your smiles met with mine

and how blue sky it was

and how sweet the lilac tasted in the air ….

(Extra notes: A physical meeting has its seasons while a soul meeting has its eternity. When a soul conscious meets with a body conscious, even their bodies are next to each other, their mind/spirit maybe worlds apart; When two bodies recognize each other on its deep soul level, the sense of separation will disappear and the true connection will be felt, in which the souls’ desires to create beauty, harmony and growth with each other on the physical plane will be evoked, only then true peace will be regained among the humans between each other and only then the heaven on earth will be possible… Otherwise we can keep chasing the dreams of our soulmates throughout our entire life yet end up helplessly in karmic relationships and karmic cycles instead… the problem is that we have to become a more of soul conscious being ourselves first before we can even recognize other souls, not mention our soulmates...)

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Abandonment issue



           I was asked by a friend to write a few words about the abandonment issue. I felt slightly hesitated because I don't know how far I have come after man years' self healing and if I would still be triggered… but I am going to find out about that soon. 

        I encountered with my own abandonment issue basically head on directly after I was born into this world.  I was wrapped in a piece of sheet and dumped at somewhere by the roadside directly by my grandparents (my father's) simply because I was not a boy as they hoped… so there was I lying by the dusty roadside alone from the morning to the many people walked passing by me that day, there was no one wanting to have an extra mouth to feed, plus for many I was not only just a girl but also an unhealthy girl( I came out about one month too earlier)… To make the long story short, when my mum finally had me back in her arms, my little pink winkled face looked pale and dehydrated, and it looked like I was crying but sounded almost like a mosquito… I would not have survived much longer like that according to my mum…

         For many years I have been working with releasing my resentments towards my parents for having allowed this happened and for having treated me and hurt me through their unconscious acts and words and for having not given me love and protection which I deserved... but I see things very differently nowadays- in order to understand the pain I must experience the pain myself first, because through my struggle of desiring to heal it and to overcome it, I will gain the knowledge and healing which may benefit whoever crosses my path later on- so it maybe harsh and difficult for our human mind to grasp, but there is divine order in everything if we so choose to have some faith towards the life. It was not a punishment for being where I was but it was my soul's choice- a necessary lesson for my soul's evolution... Withholding this perspective in my mind, the overwhelming resentment I had towards my parents slowly disappeared, I started to understand them and even developed sense of sympathy towards them after all we all easily become the products of our time and our environments unless we consciously fight against it!-  My parents lived in a traumatized period in China which they were subjected to the wars, the hunger, the famine, especially the disastrous 10 year long Culture Revolution which made their entire generation suffered physically, mentally, emotionally greatly- that is why they were described as the lost generation later on. Everything was upside down- all the moral and value systems were collapsed and twisted completely... ‘Red guard’ students denounced their teachers; the children denounced their own parents; everyone was turned against everyone… all the madness  and the distortions had turned their entire generation from authentic to apathetic people, with the incredible sense of indifferences and distrust among people… so in a way, I was abandoned because they were abandoned... Life has its humor ever it is a pretty dark one sometimes.

        But at that time I was too young to understand the depth of things, I thought I was abandoned because I was not valuable enough, good enough. Especially after I having been also sent away to the countryside to live with my grandparents(my mum’s parents) and late on being picked up back to the city to start the school after nearly 6 years away from my parents which basically confirmed my own theory of not being valuable enough and good enough to my own parents…I don't think my parents understood what it was really going on inside their six-year-old daughter that I was not only struggling with the feeling of being a stranger to my parents and my little sister in my own home but also I was struggling with such a sadness and desperation in my heart as if I was standing on a no-man island, no one could hear me cry or scream because no one cared… Besides those years we lived together as a family didn’t change much about how I felt inside, maybe even worse- that cold feeling of the loneliness while being surrounded by people…

         In order to survive, I developed my coping mechanism around people – I learned how to keep my head down; I learned to how to be nice and trouble-free; I learned to put everyone else’s needs before me…so I could receive some crumbs of love and attention... it did not matter if I had nightmares and how I was afraid and sad I learned to wipe off my own tears; padded on my own shoulders; and tried to talk myself out of sadness…I became my own mother, my own father and my own cheer leader… everything I could not express outwards was turned inwards, very much inwards... At that time I couldn't perceive how all those momentums were leading me back to myself and back to the spirit realm…

          I guess it is a bit unusual to have such existential crisis at such a young age. A normal six, seven year old child would be and should be more concerned with his next game or her new dress instead while I was pretty wrapped with the questions like ‘Who am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life? and what is the meaning of life? etc.…’ Though at times this fear of there is no one out there who will be able to truly understand me and love me unconditionally just for who I am and cherish me through the thick and thin could bring the chills to my heart, it did serve its purpose somehow, because otherwise I would not have realized how resilient, strong and how optimistic and hopeful I was regardless what had happened, which make me almost have a such an strong inner conviction about myself-if I could have made though something like this without having my optimistic spirit damaged, nothing else in this world can! Regardless, I believe that this whole childhood trauma of mine somehow has served its purpose of bringing me closer to myself, and to the Spirit...

          Looking back at my life, I can see how certain things have been presented and proved over and over again- whenever I followed my intuition and acted upon it, things would work out effortlessly; whenever I ignored my intuition and acted upon my ego impulses, things would get stuck easily, ended up in failure even disaster... Over the time, I have become more in tune with my intuition- I can discern better with the voice of my spirit guides from the voice of my own ego; and I am better at adjusting my life course according to my inner guidance; and I have developed more trust toward myself and the life itself…which was not the case earlier. I remember the very first time when I told my mum that I thought I had invisible friends like guardian angles who were there talking to me and looking after me... My mum became very uncomfortable with what I said, and she told me firmly not to talk about those ‘nonsense’ to anyone else because I would be at risk of being ridiculed or wrongly judged…and she also explained to me that during her time there were many people who were prosecuted and even killed for their religious beliefs or spiritual practices… So I got afraid and started to be even suspicious about what I had experienced…

         Today I am glad that I have found my way back because the truth is the truth- I can’t deny what I have experienced even though it can be difficult to explain to others. What I have experienced was real for me, which was the communication between me and my spiritual guides / angels for lacking of a better definition for them, and that is enough for me. I am no longer that little girl, I don’t need to explain myself to anyone - what is between me and the Spirit is special and sacred to me and it shall remain so! Because I do believe, everyone can and should establish his/her own unique and sacred relationship directly with the Spirit, with the divine, with God whatever you call it, there is no need for any religion, or priests or spiritual leaders to act as intermedia, it is through your heart portal to your soul, from your soul directly to the Spirit...  which means, just by following your heart, and by connecting with your soul/your authentic self, you will figure out along your journey about your own ways of communicating with the Spirit, with the Divine…that will be something special and sacred created between you and God only, no one or nothing else should be able to take that away from you!

           I believe ever single human on this planet has some sorts of issues- self esteem issues if it is not abandonment issues, or inner child wounds if it is not narcissistic wounds… lists go on because this earth school can be pretty challenging for souls at the times due to the amnesia of the souls upon incarnating into physical beings; and also due to the heavy and distorted mental and emotional energies on earth caused by human’s own contributions… as long as we humans continue to ignore our intuitions and our soul purposes, and continue this amnesialike existences by clinging heavily to the sense and the ego's gratifications, we will not be able to heal ourselves or our mother earth, we will be continue having our wound bonding collectively, with each other, with our past and even our future…unless we relearn to bond with each other through our authentic selves, through unconditional love, through the deeper level of soul connection, we will be forever feeling abandoned and separated from each other, from the universe and from the life itself!

           According to Chinese Medicine philosophy, if we truly want to cure our illness, we have to dig deep to find out the root cause. So we need to be brutal honest with ourselves and be courageous to dive into our issues no matter how hard and how traumatic it has been- Where did the pain originate from- your childhood? Was it physical or emotional, or both? How is this past issue affecting your present life for example, your relationships?... Stop repressing it, stop hiding away and stop judging yourself, just shine the light on your issues, with love and patience, so you can start with your own healing process…It is like gardening, you first have to take away the insects, then you take away the weed so the sun can shine in. After all the preparations, you have to give some time, so the sun can do its magic to make your garden flourish again! During this process, while you developing your compassion for yourself, even for your mistakes and failures, you will automatically develop more compassion for the others, because after all, we are no different from one another- beneath the cloak of the races, the nationalities, the religious beliefs we all have red blood through our veins; we all can shed tears to the pain and burst laughter to the joy…

          There are two types of people in this world: those who view the glass as half full, and those who view the glass half empty. This phenomenon is called perception, and our perceptions profoundly impact how we experience life – so which type would you like to be? We may excuse ourselves if we have been subjected to the abandonment or other abusive issues when we were young and helpless, but it doesn’t give us excuse to continue to live our adult lives under the past spell... So please don’t hold onto your past, please don’t let your past define your future, make peace with your past and move on! Tell yourself: Even the whole world shall abandon you again, you shall never abandon yourself again!!! We need to develop some faith towards the universe-that the universe is not conspiring against us but for us no matter how difficult or absurd to our conceptions at times... Because we have to stop forgetting about that we are the spirits who are having some earthly experiences- we are living in the body but not of it; and we are living in this world but not of it... This is a lonely place to be if we hold onto our old identities of separate physical beings instead of a wonderful place to be, for our souls to experience, to interact with each other because when we are reconnected with soul identities and soul purposes, we will have the feeling of connectedness, unity, and the feeling of the whole universe is behind us… then there will be no more abandonment issues or any kinds of issues but the experiences for the souls’ journey, even a bad experience will no longer considered by the mind as bad but just an experience, an adventure…

             Sometimes I still can hear the Spirit's whispers in my dreams: ‘…my dear child, we have been with you since the dawn of time and we will be with you to the end of time…only if you could see what we see - how powerful and magnificent you are; only if you could know what we know about you- that you are made of nothing else but of the pure love and light; only if you could believe how much you are loved and blessed … you wouldn’t ever need to feel insecure or lonely; you wouldn’t ever need to beg for some crumbs of love …because YOU ARE THAT LOVE…’’



Thursday, August 27, 2020

Weekend Free Verses




Into the deep forest I went

I faced the dangers of snakes and lions

In order to find-

the ancient hidden treasures


Into the deep darkness I dived

I risked of losing my mind

In order to discover -

the eternal light within my heart


Into the veil of life and death I surrendered

I witnessed my own death (my old self)

In order to retrieval

all the lost pieces of my soul….





People, why are you celebrating your richness?

Don’t you see such a poverty in your soul?!


People, why are spending so much time in

 making your face fresh and pretty?

Don’t you see how dusty and ugly 

your inner soul face has become?!


People, why are you liking this one 

and hating another one?

Don’t you understand-

an enemy of this lifetime of yours could be

a family member of yours in another lifetime?!


People, why are you holding on so tightly

to things and people?

Today is soon becoming yesterday

Yesterdays are soon become the past memories…


In the blink of an eye,

The life you have known will be gone

The things you have accumulated will be worthless

The people you have been holding onto 

will not be there with you…

It will be only YOU standing nakedly facing your soul

It will be only YOU answering to your own soul

What are you going to say to your soul then ?….







Tuesday, June 30, 2020


  The Spirit whispers to my soul:
‘‘Without speaking a word,
I have loved you.
I alone can truly say ‘I Love you’;
For I loved you before you were born;
My love gives you life and sustains you after the gates of death imprison you where none, 
none even your greatest human love, can reach you…’’ 

Once she was a little wonderous girl-
filled with the care-free innocence and imaginations
She danced to the rhythm of rain drops;
She whispered her secrets to the natural spirits and fairies;
She walked on the wilder fields barefoot collecting her favorite daisies;
She was too excited to notice the cuts on her legs by those high grasses and thorns;
Because in her mind,
She saw the happiness she was going to bring upon her beloved…
Little did she know about the worldliness of men –
Her daisies were not made of gold-
but of the wilderness of the sun and moon, 
of the wind and rain...
Those worldly and sophisticated men
(though they possessed eyes)
could neither see the beauty in her daisies
Nor could they see the beauty in her heart- 
which was made of real gold...

Once she was a young innocent lady-
filled with beautiful dreams for her future and humanity
She saw the goodness in everyone and everything
She was a natural giver and it made her happy when she could give
So she just kept giving, and giving and giving-
her blood was sucked till the last drop
her bones were chewed till the last crack
She felt being discarded like a piece of garbage
because she had nothing more left to give in the end
Little did she understand the shadows of mankind-
no one would respect her boundaries if she couldn't herself;
no one could make her feel loved if she couldn't herself...

You may say,
This is how life is -Full of light yet full of darkness;
You may say,
This is how people are- full of beauty yet full of ‘bullshit’;
You may say,
This is how things have always been and will be…
But, what are you going to do about it?
Do you want to contribute more light or more darkness to the world?
Do you want to contribute more beauty or more ugliness to the mankind?

She could have chosen hatred and vengeance-
but she knew her soul would be burdened with more karmic debts
even though she may draw some momentary satisfactions from her revenge;
She could have chosen hatred and anger-
but she knew then her heart would be left with less space for love and joy;
She could have chosen self-pity victimhood-
blaming circumstances and others for her misfortunes and failures
but she knew that her willpower would be weakened and her integrity had to be sacrified;
She could have chosen easier or more beneficial way out
but she knew that she would have to dim that divine light within her soul…

So she could NOT have chosen any way other than to surrender to the Spirit
Because she knew too well deep in her soul-
the old and wise soul of hers had known the Spirit for eons 
"My dear child, eventually,
What is made of the matter disolves back to the matter
What is made of the Spirit unites back with the Spirit
You know who you really are...
I have been always with you since the dawn of time
I have never left you or forgotten about you
It was you who have forgotten about me at times
when you got carried away by my manifestations in matters
Whatever happened was not to you but for you
It was never meant to hurt you or punish you
but to awake and to fire up the ultimate desire within you-
to seek for me, to long for me, to come back to me...''

What kind of love is that, so unconditional and so unfading with-stand-of-the-time?!
She had seeked and failed over and over again with the fleeting nature of human love 
just to enable her to find her ultimate fulfillment with the Spirit alone...
She had no choice but to surrender-
all her fears and egos, and all her heart and soul to the Spirit-
the All Seeing, the All knowing Spirit throbbing in every living beings
and in every human heart including her own...
She felt like being given a new life, a lighter version
She felt like a small child again, filled with hopes and dreams  
Night after night,
She no longer dreamed about those dreadful and unfullfilled dreams
but those beautiful dreams-she was wearing the most beautiful daisies on her head
dancing the beautiful eternal dance with the Spirit....

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Inner Child Wounds

Dear Jasmine,

          When I read your letter, I could not hold in my tears, a lot of emotions coming out and washing over me… You told me about your broken family, your traumatic childhood experiences and your troublesome relationships with the opposite sexes today, all seems tied up together... You told me that sometimes you have a feeling of sinking and drowning as if you just can't get your head above the water … I am feeling you, and I know how you feel, not just for the sake of saying but because I have been there myself…

       Not only was I abandoned as soon as I was born into this world( because I was a girl invaluable comparing to a boy, luckily enough my mum found me back in time before I was dehydrated and died on the roadside); Not only was I sent away by my parents to the countryside to live with my grandparents till I was almost 6 years old; Not only was I got constantly caught in between the fights between my parents- feeling sad and guilty for my mother and feeling fearful for my father; Not only was I frequently being subjected to the anger and the verbal abuses by my father – being told over and over again that how worthless , how dreamy and how weird I was ; and being told openly that he preferred my sister because I was nothing like him-''why can't you be normal like your sister, like the other kids? why do you have to be so difficult to have the need to question me and everything?...'' If all of those above had not damaged a little girl’s self worth and self esteem enough; if all of those had not cut my sensitive heart deeply enough; I had been even exposed to violence which my father literally threated me with knife saying to my mum that he would have me killed if my mum was going to leave him…

           Honestly I don’t know how I survived those years, maybe barely. Because though some of the details have slowly faded away but those feelings are  somewhat 'well preserved'... I remember the feeling of how those words cut through me like sharpened knife, and how I bit my lips withholding my tears stubbornly in front of my father and how I fell apart in tears after being left alone;  and I remember too well the twisted feeling in my stomach when it was time to go home after school because I didn’t know what kind of mood my parents would be in then, often I prayed that I would have wings like birds so I could fly away, far far away; and I also remember vividly those nights I woke up from the nightmares weeping and shivering like the falling autumn leaves… Later I understood that I had experienced some symptoms silmiar to PTSD and epilepsy seizures (which I didn’t even know there are medical terms for), but unfortunately the psychological wellbeing was simply not prioritized in those times of food shortage and other livelihood scarcity in China... I became more and more quiet and withdrawn (which probably made my father disliked me even more), at those days quite often my mind got stuck at those big questions about life and death, and the meaning of life etc... During my childhood years, I had near death experiences, twice (people in my home town still talk about them as some kind of miracles). I remember specially one time in the last moment when I thought ‘this is it’- I was very aware that how strangely calm I was , even welcoming in a sense that soon all would be over, and all the pain and sadness would go away…

            It is said that the first 10, 12 years of a child kinda determines his next 50 years. In psychological field it is well known fact that how our earlier relationships with our caregivers have profound impacts on our later adulthood relationships. During a child's earlier ages, he is like a sponge taking in every impression and every emotion from his environment, directly or indirectly. If his parents are conscious of this, they would pay extra attention to him, not only his material needs, but also his mental and emotional needs, because those years are the best time for an adult contributing to shape a child's patterns and templates. If a child has settled with his templates with a lot of emotional imbalances, he probably has to pay huge cost on his later adult life for those imbalances. Thus, I believe for parents, it is wise to invest more love and attention to your children during those earlier years, even which means extra work for you because the later payoff will be huge. If not, the whole world will not be able to make it up later for the hole created within a child by not being able to receive the love he/she deserves ... As John Bradshaw says: ‘ I believe that this neglected, wounded, inner child of the past is the major source of human misery.’ I can’t agree more. Sometimes I wonder, for example, if Adolf Hilter was properly loved by his father, would the history of the Second World War have been rewritten?! 

            This world is filled with the wounded children, even we have a grow up body and much of life experiences; even we have sophisticated manner and a lot of academic knowledge, inside we are still that child- hurt and wounded in some more or less degrees, and this wounded child will keep creating drama and trauma inside and outside of us until we pay attention to her/him and even better- heal her/him. As Thich Nhat Hanh says:' The cry we hear from deep in ourselves comes from the wounded child within. Healing this innerchild's pain is the key to transforming anger, sadness and fear'. But those earlier years’ woundings can be difficult to deal with, due to a child's spongelike receptivity and also his immaturity of being selective, so all the impressions of harshness will be unselectively installed into his brain’s ‘hardware’, which makes more difficult to get rid of. Nevertheless, the woundings can be caused not only by our parents, by our direct and indirect environments, but also through the inheritance. For instance, our parents may have inherited the wounding patterns from their parents, and their parents from their parents, which can be called as ancestral or karmic patterns. Therefore, it is clearly to me that we each should take the responsiblity for our own healing to better our own lives and also the people in our lives, which will not only benefit our ancestral lines by serving as the pattern breaker, but also will benefit our next generation, or even the generations to come! That is what I call- breaking the 'generational curses' indeed! 

           Everybody wants healing- being healed immediately and miraculously.  A few are couragous and ready to dive into themselves, to face their deep seated wounds, shadows head on; even fewer have both the courage and the persistence to go all in and go all through. To be honest with yourself is the first step towards real self healing. Are you ready to be honest with yourself? How many of you parents out there are ready to say something like this to your child ? ‘ Please forgive me, my child, that I got upset with you. In truth you have nothing to do with it. I am projecting my frustration onto you. Please give me some time and space to work out with my frustration. Thank you and I love you…’ With that kind of grace, you will be able to save your child from spending years in tempting to working off those issues related to abandonment, neglect or unloved, or seeking confusedly for love and validations from wrong people and places in his/her later adulthood years…

          In your case, Jasmine, I think it is time to examine your life honestly and objectivly, for example, your childhood woundings, your relationship patterns, even your thought and emotional patterns in order to seek for the clarity of the root cause of your problem- Could it be all related to your inner child woundings? It is known in psychology that people can easily mistake the attraction of love with the attraction of familiarity. Could that be the underlying reason that you were attracted to the guys who are similar to your father- cold and distant? and you thought if you could work a little harder, be a bit more loving and compassionate towards your partner, maybe then he would see your value and love you back, just as once you were that little girl who was 'begging for' love and attention from your father but could not receive? Could you still be holding the guilty that you were the cause of not being loved because you were not pretty enough, not smart enough, not trying harder enough?! Are you still living and experiencing your relationship today through those woundings?... If that is the case, it is time to do your healing work by intentionaly bringing those buried wounds from your subconscious level to conscious level for healing, otherwise you will most likely repeat the similar dynamics with the others instead with your father! By diving into your inner child and healing those wounds, you will become more conscious of  your own negative patterns as well as the wounding patterns in others which will enable you to make better judgements and choices in the future ... But you have to remember one thing, even you find your greatest human lover one day, he/she will not be able to be there with you all the way, for example, at moment of your death, it will be you with you all the way, as always! So in the end, in this lifetime of yours, the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself! So, please be kind to yourself and make you your top priority- You matter and your happiness matter. Heal any wounds within you because you don't want to let your past standing in the way of your future happiness, do you?

         Inner Child Healing work takes courage because it can be intimidating and overwhelming at times as if you have just opened a devil's pandora box, falling into an abyss of darkness; and it also takes commitment because whenever you think you have done with your healing, there will be something or someone who will trigger you again and remind you again that your work is not over yet which can be frustrating at times... but it does not mean your healing work has not worked but simply means that there may  be more layers within layers of the wounding issues buried within your subconscious resurfacing and seeking ways to come up to your conscious level for releasing and healing... I know too well those ups and downs from my own healing experiences. Even though I was a broken child, but there was always a spark of flame persistently remaining deep inside my soul keeping burning ... My healing journey is far from over yet, but I have  seen the light regardless of all the darkness and demons(inside and outside of me); I have seen the silver lining beneath all my past pain and trauma; I have even recognize the blessings in disguises because I have been witnessing my own transformations and my 'rebirth' along this journey(maybe it is exact the chosen path of my soul for this incarnation of mine); and I have come to the better understanding how pain and suffering have their great potentials for profound transformations and deep soul purification; and I have finally come to the term with myself - I may not have had the best childhood, but those past experiences have made me a more confident, more resilient, more appreciative and more conscious woman as I am today ...

        Ironically enough, people often assume that I am a lucky person, that it seems that I have everything handed to me without much of struggle; that I must have come from a stable, loving even privileged family when the carefree, bubbly side of my personality comes out- sometimes people can be so wrong. When people tried to acquire a little deeper into my past, quite often they reacted surprised, even in some degree of disbelief as if I were telling them a joke-maybe I expressed too lightheartedly; maybe simply because people see what they want to see - they have already fixed perceptions in their mind what tragedy should sound like, and what a traumatized person should look like  … Nowadays I am neither interested in hiding my past nor interested in explaining myself. But of course, I certainly find some comforts in knowing that probably I am not projecting that tragic victimhood version of me-the version of a wounded inner child any more; and I also find some comforts in how I have managed to rebuild myself, piece by piece… Because, I can see today, even the forgiveness is possible which I thought earlier 'never, ever'! In my father’s case, I don’t think that I want to live under the same roof with my father ever again, but I have found the way in my heart to forgive him, because I have understood that he had his own inner child wounds and the wounds passed onto him from his parents, he projected those wounds upon me which was of course not right- but he was unconscious and he did not know any better...  I guess in the end, forgiveness is not for the sake of others but my own inner peace… So my friend, just trust the process unfolding naturally, there is no need to hurry or force things, all is well.

          Dear Jasmine, sharing my story with you is not meant to compare who had it worse, but to help you see your situation from other perspectives: That there is always someone out there who may have had it worse than us ; that if I have managed to get most out of it without subjecting myself to any drug abuse nor victim junkies, so can you! You can start with an open dialogue with yourself first, and try to be as open, honest as possible something like: ‘My dearest inner child, I am sorry for having disappointed and ignored you; I am sorry for not being there holding you and comforting you when you were sad; I am sorry for not being able to protect you and stand up for you when you were hurt… I am asking for your forgiveness…From now on, I will be here for you, to protect you and to love you regardless how the others say or think about you... You will have me from now on!...’ This type of affirmations have been helpful for me, you can try it. Because it is never too later to change, to restart one's life, even means to start from the scratch! So even though we were not mothered properly, we can mother our own inner child now; even though we were not fathered properly, we can father our own inner child now; even though once we were from broken homes, we can start to rebuild a new home for ourselves now, for this child living inside us, brick by brick, with love and attention which she/he really deserves ... In life, there are times to surrender, there are times to fight. Now this is time for us to fight for our own inner child- she/he has been so wounded by this world! Trust me, this inner child of yours holds the very key to your future's wellbeing-emotionally, mentally and even spiritually. One day, you will be surprised when you look back at your own healing journey- that at some point you have become the love you never had; and you have become your own safe home you never had!!

      Our inner child is the very essence of us, she is hidden in the beats of our heart; she is the child of the universe, an eternal child-fearless and forever joyful; she is the door way from our soul to the Spirit, to the Divine. By healing the wounds of our inner child, we will feel more connected with people and other sentient beings in a more meaniful way, and also more connected with the earth, the sun, the stars even the whole universe at large; and furthermore we will be able to reawake our playful and joyful nature, which will enable us to be freed from the bondage of our past, and will further us to love fearlessly and trust fully again... The more our innerchild wounds are healed the more we will feel relieved from all the burdens the society has laid upon us and we will be more amazed by the opening up the possibilities of anything and everything which life is unfolding before our eyes... As Paulo Coelho says: ‘‘Hold the hand of the child that lives in your soul, for this child, nothing is impossible.’ When this child is healed, she/he will want to come out playing with us more and more often, and she/he will show us all the magic in life, in every moment, in every sunray and in every raindrop which too often we grown ups have forgotten.... So when we decide to live through her/his eyes, we will be reawakened and rejoiced by all the beauty and all the magic around us and within us...... In there you shall find your peace, my friend. 

With Love,
